Topic: Translation

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Posted at: 2021-04-16, 01:22


I'm ready to finalize the french translation and to maintain it but when I see the price to have an account ($70/month) I can't use this system. I think the most simple for me is to pull the .po files from GitHub. When the translation is finish, I can push the .po files or send them to somebody who can push to GitHub.

Using the free trying option to bypass the inscription does not seem to me to be a viable long-term solution nor frankly ethical.

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Posted at: 2021-04-16, 13:15

I wonder if Transifex has changed their terms if it no longer seems to be possible for people to get a permanent free account…?

It is not possible to update translations in the GitHub repo – they would be overwritten by the periodical translations syncs. But you can upload the PO files as forum attachments here, and I or someone else will push them to Transifex then.

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Joined: 2020-11-17, 09:34
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Posted at: 2021-04-16, 13:19

It looks like many people use Transifex for free, am I wrong? It would not make sense to pay 70 USD per month to be able to help with translation as a volunteer.

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Posted at: 2021-04-16, 13:28

I'm using a free Tx account (and been using it for a couple of years already). This is already the second time that a new translator sees no way to choose a free plan though. Perhaps they decided to disallow it for new users, or perhaps it still exists and is well hidden? Don't know…

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Posted at: 2021-04-16, 13:36

Is it possible for someone to find out how is it with the conditions? It is a strange service.

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Posted at: 2021-04-16, 13:47

OK, Thank you, just a little thing, as the .po files are in sub-directories like ../po/maps/fr.po, we'll have to define a logic for naming the files. Maybe something like : "maps_fr.po". Just a suggestion.

It is not very urgent, I've just started all the verification.

PS: Perhaps it would be interesting, in this case, to study '' which, for $ 75 / month offers much more open access.

3,000 source strings
3 projects
Unlimited participants
Unlimited languages

I have no interest in crowdin, just I saw that from Poedit.

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Posted at: 2021-04-17, 00:57

Nordfriese wrote: I wonder if Transifex has changed their terms if it no longer seems to be possible for people to get a permanent free account…?

I registered 3 weeks ago, and they didn't say anything about my 15 days "free trial" ending yet. Last week I tried to look for this, and I found something about their "open source plan". It seems that you can work on open source projects without paying anything.

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Posted at: 2021-04-17, 02:13

Atanase wrote:

OK, Thank you, just a little thing, as the .po files are in sub-directories like ../po/maps/fr.po, we'll have to define a logic for naming the files. Maybe something like : "maps_fr.po". Just a suggestion.

It is not very urgent, I've just started all the verification.

Have you seen my previous posts in ? Of course you say you have much more experience with other projects than me, but I also wrote a little about my struggle with the interaction between transifex and offline editors. Because of the reformatting issue, I set up a separate working directory for translating anyway, with names like you suggest. When I started using the commandline client, I edited the configuration to match these.

(I also did some way too complicated scripting to make it possible to diff my changes, but that's another story...)

I guess this all should eventually go to the wiki, but the translation page is way too long as it is, and I don't feel confident enough to split off a new page yet.

Edited: 2021-04-17, 02:13

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Posted at: 2021-04-17, 08:57

Sorry, tothxa, as an exception last night I went to bed early. The 4 hours nights are a bit harmful to my complexion. face-wink.png

I didn't see your post about the possibility to have a free account for open source projects. I'm ready to use Transifex. On the previous projects I have worked, all the sentences were in the same .pot file, so we didn't have to think about naming or other things and offline work was easy. But, here the structure is different and on this kind of organization I have no experience at all. If you say it is better to use a system as Tx, I believe you. face-smile.png

I'm like open source, I'm open to all proposals, even honest. face-smile-big.png

La connaissance ne vaut que si elle est partagée par le plus grand nombre.
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Posted at: 2021-04-17, 13:59

I didn't expect you to read my late night posts instantly. I should go to bed earlier myself.

The above link is for the thread about my questions and experiences when I started translating 3 weeks ago. I think that when you get familiar with transifex, given your experience, you may be able to give better advice on offline editing than me.

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