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Topic: I am lost

Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
Posts: 2057
OS: Debian Testing
Version: Latest master
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Posted at: 2021-04-18, 18:02

The current development version is actually quite stable – there's only 1 known critical bug left in it, other than that it is already ± identical to what release 1.0 will look like. But I didn't mean to tell you to install this (it's your choice), I only wanted to point out that getting your scenario to work with both the last release (b21) and the soon-to-come 1.0 with its (hopefully) long-term stable API will not necessarily work, and especially that the online documentation does not correspond entirely to the features available in b21 face-smile.png

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Joined: 2021-04-15, 13:33
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Posted at: 2021-04-18, 18:17

I understood, I just wanted to tell you that I was not an irreducible resistant to the 'beta' versions and in some cases to the 'alpha' versions, on the contrary I would rather be the type to go a little fast (as regards OpenSuse, I installed the Tumbleweed version, not the officially stable Leap 15.2), but for the moment I preferred to avoid the risks here.

In a while I will be compiling directly from the Github repository and you can count on me to find the bugs, I'm a real hound for that. face-smile.png

La connaissance ne vaut que si elle est partagée par le plus grand nombre.
Knowledge is only valuable if it is shared by the greatest number.

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