Topic: Transifex

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Posted at: 2021-04-19, 21:29


I went to Transifex to try to understand how the system works. First of all, I recognize that when there is a certain number of translators, a centralized system makes it possible not to redo the same job 36 times. In addition, the validation of the translation is easier since the verifiers see immediately what has changed.
I couldn't translate strings with singular and plural, I couldn't find where to put the plural translation.
I also find it very surprising not to use a global MT since the system does not make any suggestion for words like 'Headquarter' which must be found in a significant number of translations. Even if we ask him to go look in the MT.
The worst thing about a translation system is not having a translated 'Help'. face-smile-big.png face-smile-big.png face-smile-big.png

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Posted at: 2021-04-19, 22:06

For singular/plural, Tx has toggle buttons in the respective strings:

I don't know what you mean by MT… There's a Glossary for each language, accessible via the Glossary tab. You can add template translations for common terms there, and if a glossary term is present in the source string you can copy it into your translation. E.g. in the image above there's a dotted line under "game", and if I click it the term "Speel" is copied into the translation.
There's also a Suggestions tab where you can apply existing translations for similar strings with one click, and it also has a Concordance button which allows you to search for any term (in the source language) across all translated strings.

Edited: 2021-04-19, 22:06

Attachment: image/png

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Posted at: 2021-04-19, 23:01


I didn't understand the meaning of these two buttons "1 and other".

The MT (sorry it is the French appellation) is the Memory of Translation. Maybe TM in English.

For example, in Poedit I have only one MT (or TM) for all the files I have translated and if, somewhere, I already translated a sentence, Poedit propose it. In the case I spook about the sentence was a single word : Headquarters and I wanted to be sure to use the same word as elsewhere in the translations.

If we can't use the terms already translated anywhere in the organization to keep coherency of the translations, it is less interesting than I thought.
Anyway, I'll use this system since it is the official one. face-wink.png

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Posted at: 2021-04-20, 12:07

The TM and glossary are per project. When translating the add-ons this gets very annoying. But Tx also has a cross-project search feature which can be accessed here: (just adjust the languages and texts in the query)

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Posted at: 2021-04-20, 14:20

Ok, I prefer that. face-smile.png

I tried to translate the add-ons because there is many texts untranslated. An other reason is because it was impossible for me to find the sentence where I saw an error in the corresponding file. face-smile.png face-smile.png face-smile.png

But this is another story. I'll go later and I'll search again.

PS: The query is as complicated as those of Oracle DB. face-smile.png

La connaissance ne vaut que si elle est partagée par le plus grand nombre.
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