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Topic: Water Resource Efficiency

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Joined: 2021-04-15, 13:33
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Posted at: 2021-04-29, 14:33


I use the add-on "Water Resource Efficiency". When I want to build a new well, I se that:

I understand the inner hexagon, radius 1 like the original well. I hope that the outer hexagon is the new radius 3. What is the meaning of the middle hexagon, radius 2?

Or, maybe, the middle hexagon is the new radius for a "Normal" well and the outer for a "Deep" well?

What have I to understand? face-wink.png

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Posted at: 2021-04-29, 15:03

The normal barbarian well has a radius of 2 with this add-on (middle hexagon), the deep well a radius of 3 (outer hexagon). The inner hexagon shows the radius of the normal well's default program, which still exists but is not used when this add-on is enabled. Since this is a purely graphical glitch which might be very hard to solve, I decided not to fix this issue, unless in the future an add-on is designed which really suffers from this problem.

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2021-04-15, 13:33
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Location: Béarn (France)
Posted at: 2021-04-29, 15:27

So my interpretation was good, when I said Middle for New radius and Outer for Deep.

It is not an issue for me since I understood. face-smile.png face-smile.png

La connaissance ne vaut que si elle est partagée par le plus grand nombre.
Knowledge is only valuable if it is shared by the greatest number.

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