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Posted at: 2021-05-11, 13:34
To add some variety I will add some more maps to the Tournament. Suggestions are welcome. The conditioon will be there is literally no coal on the map. As this would not impact Amazons in any way I'll add a map with few surface stones to the pool in the addon as well. Suggestions for such maps are still welcome.
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Posted at: 2021-05-11, 19:01
hessenfarmer wrote:
To add some variety I will add some more maps to the Tournament. Suggestions are welcome. The conditioon will be there is literally no coal on the map. As this would not impact Amazons in any way I'll add a map with few surface stones to the pool in the addon as well. Suggestions for such maps are still welcome.
Here three suggestions
Blue vs grey: https://www.widelands.org/maps/char-wars-the-empire-burns-coal/
Blue vs yellow: https://www.widelands.org/maps/coalcleancycles/
red vs grey: https://www.widelands.org/maps/charcoal-tournament/
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Posted at: 2021-05-11, 19:32
Since this tournament is intended to discover all sort of bugs, may I suggest to increase the likelihood of finding some by creating a map with add-on-defined terrains (e.g. shallow water or foreign planet) for use in a round?
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Posted at: 2021-05-11, 21:15
Nordfriese wrote:
Since this tournament is intended to discover all sort of bugs, may I suggest to increase the likelihood of finding some by creating a map with add-on-defined terrains (e.g. shallow water or foreign planet) for use in a round?
well I don't want to overload this aspect of the tournament. Furthermore I am afraid I won't find time to do this in time. So maybe this needs to be tested separatly.
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Posted at: 2021-05-11, 21:21
WorldSavior wrote:
hessenfarmer wrote:
To add some variety I will add some more maps to the Tournament. Suggestions are welcome. The conditioon will be there is literally no coal on the map. As this would not impact Amazons in any way I'll add a map with few surface stones to the pool in the addon as well. Suggestions for such maps are still welcome.
Here three suggestions
Blue vs grey: https://www.widelands.org/maps/char-wars-the-empire-burns-coal/
Blue vs yellow: https://www.widelands.org/maps/coalcleancycles/
red vs grey: https://www.widelands.org/maps/charcoal-tournament/
thanks for the suggestions.
I like coalcleancycles it looks nice, is perfectly balanced and we did not play a tournament on it. So it will be definitly on the list.
Char wars is very good as well, only shortfall is we already had this quite often. So a hot candidate if no superior map appears.
for the charcoal tournament map I admit it is perfectly designed for playing, however the esthetics do not fit my taste at all. So I am hesitating to consider this.
May I assume you might consider participation as you contribute that much to my task. Anyway I really appreciate the contribution as I am a bit short of time.
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Posted at: 2021-05-11, 22:28
I found a map which is very well suited for making it more intetresting for amazons. It is "last survivors" from the official map pool (nice title for a tournament map isn't it ;-)). We don't even need to remove the coal from it as amazons can't do anything without it .
Any objections for using this map for the Amazon round?
Edited: 2021-05-11, 22:29
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Posted at: 2021-05-12, 23:22
hessenfarmer wrote:
May I assume you might consider participation as you contribute that much to my task. Anyway I really appreciate the contribution as I am a bit short of time.
I'm considering it indeed, have not made a decision yet though. Can you tell when you are going to announce the maps?
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Posted at: 2021-05-13, 20:38
WorldSavior wrote:
hessenfarmer wrote:
May I assume you might consider participation as you contribute that much to my task. Anyway I really appreciate the contribution as I am a bit short of time.
I'm considering it indeed, have not made a decision yet though. Can you tell when you are going to announce the maps?
Well. I think we cozuld start the tournament from Sunday 16th may with the first release candidate. I am planning to update the map addon tomorrow at the latest.
So far I think we have maybe 4 maps, Which I find suited.
round 1 will most probably be played on last survivors. next rounds will be played on coalclean cycles, char wars and maybe 1 round on the map provided so far which is colonies no coal. so I need to find another map for the fifth round.
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Posted at: 2021-05-13, 21:39
Count me in! I will take part in the tournament as well.
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Posted at: 2021-05-13, 22:10
hessenfarmer wrote:
so I need to find another map for the fifth round.
What about Full Moon without coal? Green vs red for example
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