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Topic: More different real tree species

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Joined: 2017-02-08, 21:06
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Location: Eisenach, Germany
Posted at: 2021-05-24, 03:52

The tree species contained in the game are only a small selection of the trees that actually grow in Europe. For future expansions, it would be nice if the other typical tree species that we encounter most frequently are also implemented.

The following tree species would be on my wish list:

  • ash = Esche,
  • chestnut = Kastanie,
  • elm = Ulme,
  • fir = Tanne,
  • hornbeam = Hainbuche,
  • linden tree = Linde,
  • pine = Kiefer,
  • poplar = Pappel,
  • willow = Weide

With the following trees one could also harvest the fruit and integrate it into the economy of a tribe as food.

  • apple tree = Apfelbaum,
  • cherry tree = Kirschbaum,
  • pear tree = Birnbaum,
  • walnut tree = Walnussbaum

Since I'm not very good at graphic design, I don't want to try it myself. But if there is someone here who enjoys this, then I would be happy about this extension.

Still exists in the game:

  • alder = Erle,
  • aspen = Espe,
  • beech = Buche,
  • birch = Birke,
  • larch = Lärche,
  • maple = Ahorn,
  • oak = Eiche,
  • rowan = Eberesche,
  • spruce = Fichte

Edited by kaputtnik: make lists

Edited: 2021-05-24, 15:25

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Posted at: 2021-05-24, 13:36

More tree variety would be nice, but the most important aspect – the graphics design – is the bottleneck face-wink.png We don't even have blender files for any of the official trees except the amazon-specific ones.

(Btw Kiefer is Pine, Weide is Willow, and Pappel is Poplar in English)

Fruit trees would not fit to any of the official five tribes IMHO, but this could be an interesting add-on

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Posted at: 2021-05-24, 15:26

Never trust the google translator. Too bad that "Weide" and "Kiefer" are ambiguous in the German language.

Edited: 2021-05-24, 15:28

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Posted at: 2021-05-26, 01:43

I don't think more trees are needed. It's already way too much choice in the editor. This is not a botany handbook after all — fortunately, because the look of most deciduous trees doesn't match their name. The 7 types are only 3 drawings anyway, with the colours changed. (also the 2 types of coniferous trees are just different colour versions of the same drawing)

Nonetheless, I prefer the look of these hand drawn(?) trees to the simplified look of the Amazon rare trees.

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Posted at: 2021-05-26, 05:25

I just found it stupid that there are only certain real trees and some not. I noticed this while programming my "place_random_trees" tool, where I manually inserted the tree species into a list. Then the Lua interpreter complained about missing tree species. I had simply taken from memory a few common tree species in Europe, without checking the "data/world/trees"-folder. This naturally begs the question: Why is there spruce but not the fir? Why is there no linden tree, but instead maple? Why are there such relativly exotic tree species as aspen in the editor, but not generally known trees such as chestnut or willow?

I also have no problem using only fictitious tree species, I would prefer this. Then I would propose 4 different summer varieties and 4 different winter varieties. Currently only the maple has the winter prefix.

But what would be an enrichment are fruit trees that can be used by bees to produce honey and that can be harvested to produce fruits or fruit wines, for example.

Edited: 2021-05-26, 05:33

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Posted at: 2021-05-26, 08:57

tothxa wrote:

I don't think more trees are needed. It's already way too much choice in the editor. This is not a botany handbook after all — fortunately, because the look of most deciduous trees doesn't match their name. The 7 types are only 3 drawings anyway, with the colours changed. (also the 2 types of coniferous trees are just different colour versions of the same drawing)

Nonetheless, I prefer the look of these hand drawn(?) trees to the simplified look of the Amazon rare trees.

Well, taking into account the number of our graphicians currently I am more than satisfied to have graphics for the amazons at all.

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