Topic: White Summer

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Joined: 2020-11-17, 09:34
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Posted at: 2021-06-04, 14:50

Yo... wrote:

but at the photo the water has more a "blue-ish turquoise" color, that would be ok in my eyes, but your terrain looks more green than turquoise and looks like a bit to much glowing (my opinion, maybe my eyes are used to something else; and no, it's not my screen, its brightness is set to a low value)

OK. I think there was a natural disaster near Borneo. Watch the coast.

Edited: 2021-06-04, 14:52

Attachment: image/jpeg

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Posted at: 2021-06-04, 14:54

OIPUN wrote:

Nordfriese wrote:

Did you check this in-game or only in the editor?

I have tried in a game. I needed granite and the rock mine was empty.

Can reproduce. Looks like a bug, will investigate

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Posted at: 2021-06-04, 15:18

Fix is up

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Posted at: 2021-06-04, 22:10


Ok, it's a bit more green-ish around Borneo (I think partly it looks more like a reef) -- but still your water terrain has much more green (and even yellow) in it. To me it looks a bit un-natural or full with luminouse algae or so.

But it's your terrain; I wouldn't use it on a map to be honest, I think, but others might see it differently.

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Posted at: 2021-06-04, 22:47

Yo... wrote:

Ok, it's a bit more green-ish around Borneo (I think partly it looks more like a reef)


But it's your terrain; I wouldn't use it on a map to be honest, I think, but others might see it differently.

I am looking forward to see your map. And make an effort. I will leave a comment under it and I will be very critical… Thank you for your suggestions. I improved the parameters of red maple (just a little). I already made 4 terrains look sharper, one still to be done tomorrow. I think I will have a final version soon.

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Posted at: 2021-06-05, 16:36

FYI: Current values for dither_layer have been moved to a new wiki article Dither Layers face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2021-06-05, 22:29

OIPUN wrote:

I am looking forward to see your map. And make an effort. I will leave a comment under it and I will be very critical… (...)

? ... Sorry if I offended you with my opinion, I didn't want to insult you, or your work, or your taste of art or whatever -- just tried to explain my view of point.

As I said it's your add-on, so in first place it has to suit you as long as there are no technical issues or it would be unplayable or so (so far I can't see something like that).

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Posted at: 2021-06-05, 22:50

No, you offended me? Maybe inspired me would be a better word.

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Posted at: 2021-06-05, 23:08

OIPUN wrote:

No, you offended me? Maybe inspired me would be a better word.

Well, this reply sounds like sarcasm. Which would imply you are still offended. As for most of us english is not the natural language sarcasm and irony might work poorly.
From my point of view I fully understand that critics are hard to take sometimes, especially if I can't undrstand somebody elses arguments. However this might be a matter of taste from case to case. And so I believe we all will have to live with them.
However different taste should never lead to bad feelings between persons. So I hope you might forget any offense felt as Yo... clearly excused himself for being misunderstood in this way.

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Posted at: 2021-06-05, 23:37

Really? Someone can really understand this as sarcasm? So than it is probably my turn to apologize for my words. I am sorry.

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