Topic: small addaption Dutch translation

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Joined: 2020-09-01, 07:18
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Posted at: 2021-06-03, 17:52

Some translations are/feel strange and 'reversed'

directory = map map = kaart the directory with maps = de map met kaarten

save = redden save = bewaren or opslaan resque = redden

resque a savegame = red een gered spel

there are some (very) modern computer words without real translation. severall are common, but others just aint... if you play the game and the translation feels odd, please comment.

Edited: 2021-06-03, 17:52

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Posted at: 2021-06-03, 17:53

CrisiusXIII wrote: 'Toolsize' its the amount of tools, correct?

No, it's the size of the area affected by the current tool in the map editor.

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Posted at: 2021-06-03, 17:58


Enter a valid nickname. This value may contain only English letters, numbers, and @ . + - _ characters and must not be "team".



personally i would change 'value' into 'name' since its about that nickname.

i wonder about some translations to be nontranslatable


Key %1$u / %2$u

there is only a '/' which is for every language equal, i supose ... there are many such replacements with nontranslatable signs and characters

Edited: 2021-06-03, 18:33

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Posted at: 2021-06-03, 19:05

CrisiusXIII wrote:

Enter a valid nickname. This value may contain only English letters, numbers, and @ . + - _ characters and must not be "team".



personally i would change 'value' into 'name' since its about that nickname.

I improved wording in some of my translations where I had similar issues with the English original.

i wonder about some translations to be nontranslatable



%1$u / %2$u

there is only a '/' which is for every language equal, i supose ... there are many such replacements with nontranslatable signs and characters

Well, if you want to do it right, then you should look these up in the source and try them in the game, to see if it's safe to copy the "English" string to the translation (or how to adopt it to your language). If you can't do that, and your language's conventions are similar to English, and you want to go for 100% completion, then you may also copy (and still try to check it in the game), but the safe thing is to leave them untranslated when you're unsure.

Edited: 2021-06-03, 19:07

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Posted at: 2021-06-03, 22:49

tothxa wrote:

CrisiusXIII wrote: 'Toolsize' its the amount of tools, correct?

No, it's the size of the area affected by the current tool in the map editor.

oja, its part off the editor. then its not a 'hamer' made by the 'toolsmith'. edit: (no pun) DONE... maybe i set it back to english?

Edited: 2021-06-03, 22:52

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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2021-06-04, 00:40

aprox 450 line DONE

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Posted at: 2021-06-07, 02:24

Hello in another part, Console Help , i get

The tag <save.wgf> is missing from the translation (placeholder 1).

I do not know what there should be, its not given as far as i can see.

Edited: 2021-06-07, 02:25

Attachment: image/png
Screenshot from 2021-06-07 02-20-59.png

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Posted at: 2021-06-07, 08:20

CrisiusXIII wrote:

in another part, Console Help , i get

The tag <save.wgf> is missing from the translation (placeholder 1).

I do not know what there should be, its not given as far as i can see.

Transifex doesn't seem to be prepared for this kind of text. The console help is best done offline, in a plain text editor. It's also easier to keep things aligned that way.

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Joined: 2020-09-01, 07:18
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2021-06-07, 21:11

Hi i got 179 line from which 1 is "not" translated, YET i checked all lines by steppening down with TAB key, one by one, and all 179 ARE marked as translated...

Edited: 2021-06-07, 21:12

Attachment: image/png
Screenshot from 2021-06-07 21-08-37.png

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Posted at: 2021-06-07, 21:25

Just reload and it shows up as 0 untranslated. Transifex gets confused sometimes in which case waiting a few minutes usually solves the random errors it throws at users…

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