Topic: naming and word use

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Joined: 2020-09-01, 07:18
Posts: 44
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2021-06-10, 19:52

Just like in the Fench translations ( I have the question about consistency and word use Last week i translated "fortifycation" to "versterking" which is correct for it self, but now the name of the fort or castle becomes "Versterkingen" while thats strange to say in Dutch to a single building. If it was a complete wall it would be more apropiate. So maybe i have to translate it just like "Fort" or as "Versterkt Fort".

But i am pretty new here and i dont want to terminate how Dutch is used. EG 'meiler' is for me not a dutch word. its even totaly new for me. I only know "kolenbrander" so i would like to change that. I had to check 'meiler' and I found that literaly copie each other so there is a "new waste of language" to be found. But this is not my game so i dont change it. But i do use "kolenbrander" when i translate it. edit google has more results then duckduck, as usual, but, i ts e new word for me

Edited: 2021-06-10, 19:54

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2021-06-10, 20:14

Well in open source software the content belongs to everyone who works on it, so if you think that a change is good just go ahead and change it. If you don't recognize a word used in existing translations this likely means that other dutch speakers may not understand what these sentences are about. So please do change meiler to kolenbrander if you think it's more common, understandable, or accurate. Same for the forts and fortifications, translate them as you think best (you can also translate freely, e.g. in low german all the extra-large military buildings are called only Schanz, Slött and Kasteel), and don't hesitate to change older existing translations.

However consistency is important and that's why I encourage you not only to create new translations with this terminology but also edit existing translations to change it. Development lives from this continuous process of applying improvements face-smile.png

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Joined: 2021-03-24, 12:44
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One Elder of Players
Posted at: 2021-06-10, 21:43

And don't forget to update it in the glossary as well. face-smile.png

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Joined: 2020-09-01, 07:18
Posts: 44
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2021-06-10, 23:31

Hi, thank you for your responses, so i am responsable for my own deeds, and thats what i like. meanwhile i have 1 more answer

So i think i start with 'fort' and then make it 'vesting' for the 'versterking' cheers

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