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Posted at: 2021-06-10, 20:18
The game Mars - genuez will take place on June, 16 at 8pm CEST.
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Posted at: 2021-06-12, 21:37
I won against Teayo. In the End I had 10 heros and he about 6. But he started to produced heros, first.
Replay is attached. It was a tough game thanks for playing.
Edited: 2021-06-12, 21:38
Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.
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Posted at: 2021-06-13, 07:17
Here some critics from watching the replay:
- Teayo had tow Tollsmithes while I had just one.
- He want for sheep form the start, while I was going for Bread/Beer/Wine
- Teayo missed one starting Road from the HQ
- Teayo configured the Ecoenomy with lots of Resources, while I was more going for the final targets
- I placed Foresters form the start, while Teayo used the space around the HQ for an "Industrial Area"
- I used Hunters (which latetes till the very end) while he used a Piggery
- We played it peacefully, so I teared down almost all Military buildings with a few exceptions.
- I never had a real lack of logs
- We bothe had a shortage of iron ore until we coul build the first mine.
- I always remove roads from foresters
- Teayo had a very special "Trainig Area" not sure if this is that wise.
- I dsitributed Fishers along the Map, while he kept them around the starting area.
- I used Blockhouses / Towers while he used only the first one.
- I tried to dig my way through at the first chance, but ath the and, I had three (!) Areas with 6 Gold mines in total.
- Teayo played the trick to build a Gold Mine on the "Marble Hills", Have seen 6% from such a mine, this makes me think.
- I started traning with Iron only very Soon, so I had more trained soldiers hen I neede in the end.
- I build Marble mines whch I did not need in the end - Imperial reflexes
- I build an Areana (which does not need gold) and trained almost all Sodliers there
- We finished at about 3:45
- Teayo oly use these "fake" Gold Mines, never thought about getting this far with only these.
Combining out tactics and an optimal map usage would be a nice thing to play.
P.S Some internal German Translations we used to have:
- Winery - Weinerei
- Piggery - Schweinerei
Edited: 2021-06-13, 10:52
Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.
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Posted at: 2021-06-13, 10:45
Screenshot from my
Edited: 2021-06-13, 10:47
Attachment: image/png
Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.
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Posted at: 2021-06-13, 10:48
Screenshot from Teayos
Edited: 2021-06-13, 10:49
Attachment: image/png
Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.
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Posted at: 2021-06-14, 01:29
What if a player refuses to agree on starting positions in advance?
P.S Some internal German Translations we used to have:
- Winery - Weinerei
- Piggery - Schweinerei
Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked
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Posted at: 2021-06-14, 03:43
WorldSavior wrote:
What if a player refuses to agree on starting positions in advance?
The rules explicitly provide a solution:
0) basics
[..] Choice of position is free, if not set in the announcement of the round (might be the case due to balanced position issues). If participants can't agree on positions the lower ranked (second) participant has the first pick.
Although I think it would make sense to fix the colors on this map for all pairings (green seems to have an advantage in my opinion).
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Posted at: 2021-06-14, 21:03
First of all I did not expect it would be that hard to agree on starting positions.
As Mars already pointes out the rules are clear on that. On the other hand it would be fair to make this choice while agreeing on the matchtime so both participants can prepare themselves for the match.
As I can't see any disadvantage on any starting position (though they have different difficulties) I will not fix starting positions.
If followed the recomendation to choose Crosswise opposite positions the stonewalls should give enough time to build a strong economy to build the 10 heroes.
So I strongly advise to adhere to fairness and pick your starting positions early. If players refuse to do so, this might be according to the rules but is simply not good sportsmanship.
I am sad that this has to be discussed at all and I will record this to fix the rules for the next time I may organise a tournament.
Sorry for not having provided 100% bulletproof rules.
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Posted at: 2021-06-14, 21:29
hessenfarmer wrote:
So I strongly advise to adhere to fairness and pick your starting positions early. If players refuse to do so, this might be according to the rules but is simply not good sportsmanship.
I am sad that this has to be discussed at all and I will record this to fix the rules for the next time I may organise a tournament.
Sorry for not having provided 100% bulletproof rules.
No need to say sorry. It is normal that some issues can't be foreseen. No one can look into other brains
A big THANK YOU for organizing this tournament!
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Posted at: 2021-06-15, 09:31
The match of the-x and me is this thursday, 9pm CEST
hessenfarmer wrote:
Sorry for not having provided 100% bulletproof rules.
The rules say that you can change them, so you could provide a solution
Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked