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Topic: Friesen Misson 3 some Bugs

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Joined: 2021-08-31, 06:19
Posts: 7
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2021-09-02, 16:39

Hey there,

at the End of the Mission you have to defeat the Romans or you give them a lot of Gold, but they did nothin until you get close to them, so they are to weak and it cost you 10h+ Gametime to get through a Wall of Stone and Forrests... and the text at the end isnt translated in German or is spelled in English at the German version.

Thanks for the nice Game

Same in German:

Moin zusammen,

am ende der Mission muss man die Römer besiegen oder man muss ihnen eine Menge Gold überlassen, aber die machen gar nichts bis man quasi bei ihnen ist, dadurch waren sie zu schwach und es kostet einen 10h+ Spielzeit um durch eine Wand aus Stein und Wald zu dringen... und am ende ist der Text nur noch auf Englisch gewesen oder wurde nicht übersetzt.

Ok leicht anderer Wortlaut face-smile.png

Danke für das coole Spiel!! Macht weiter so face-smile.png

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Location: Bavaria
Posted at: 2021-09-02, 16:43

Thanks for the flowers and many thanks for the bug report. May I ask which version you played? I assume it is Version 1.0.

Edit: Which text was not translated. All text of the roman or only the victory message?

Edited: 2021-09-02, 16:49

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Joined: 2021-08-31, 06:19
Posts: 7
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2021-09-08, 23:44

Sorry for my late request...

Yes it is Version 1.0 (Release), at the Moment they call for the number of Gold(I dont want to Spoil the number ;-)) until the end they switch from German to English.

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2021-10-19, 13:47

I've added some changes/fixes regarding the third frisian scenario in my fri04 branch. The changes are:

  • Fix localization of some empire messages.

  • Rephrase the You Lost message when the timeout is hit and the empire no longer has a port.

  • Show a You Lost message when the player discovers that the port space on the second or last island is already blocked by another player.

  • Integrate the Diker into the main tribe.

I don't have very much time for playing at the moment so I didn't want to implement a more complex solution for the third point – this can still be changed in the future if this change is not enough (though when scenario replays are implemented it should suffice IMHO). The changes are also poorly tested (the first two bullet points are completely untested) so I'd appreciate it if someone would like to test the changes. (fri04 can also be played already but it's not 100% ready yet.)

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