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Topic: Frisian campaign - can not build Smelter

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Joined: 2015-01-25, 20:44
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Pry about Widelands
Location: Hannover Germany
Posted at: 2022-01-05, 00:39

Hi Great game! I have been playing Widelands for about 5 years. I was a Barbarian fan until I discovered the Frisians a few week ago. Wow! I think they are great! But I am still learning and a bit stuck in the campaign. I have recently started the second part (an icy welcome) and it is not possable to build a smelting furnace. They are not offered in the building menu. I understand that in the campaigns do not ofter all possibilities, but it seems like I will not get on with the game without a smelter. Any catch that I am missing? I am playing on Windows version 1.0 64bit.

It would help if it were possable to reread what Peregrini (und Fremde) say.

I have read here about a third mission in the campaign that I cannot see. Is it only visable after completing part 2? Thanks, Peter

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Posted at: 2022-01-05, 08:53

Hi PeterPiper and welcome to the forum face-smile.png

The furnace becomes available after your first mine has been built and occupied. Getting to this point is a little tricky in this scenario and you don't need a furnace before you have an iron mine. In the first two frisian scenarios, buildings become available step by step to teach the frisian gameplay; it's only in the later scenarios that most buildings are available all the time.

The third mission will be unlocked after the second mission is complete – skipping a scenario is not allowed. By the way, the fourth mission is almost completed and will be available in v1.1.

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Joined: 2015-01-25, 20:44
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Pry about Widelands
Location: Hannover Germany
Posted at: 2022-01-05, 21:08

I have a coal mine and a iron mine built but there are no miners. and there is no iron for the blacksmith to make ...... Just got it. The blacksmith "wasted" the iron on swords! I'll have to go back a few saves. Thanks.

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Joined: 2015-01-25, 20:44
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Location: Hannover Germany
Posted at: 2022-01-05, 21:31

Wait a minute! even at the begining I have no iron, no miner and no pick. How can that work?

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 22:16
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Posted at: 2022-01-05, 21:34

you need to listen to your scenario advisors. face-wink.png frisians can regain some metals from weaponms discarded in training.

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Joined: 2015-01-25, 20:44
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Location: Hannover Germany
Posted at: 2022-01-05, 21:53

Ich glaube nicht dass ich dies bezüglich schon beraten worden bin! Ich habe drauf gewartet. Stoßt etwas diese Beratung an? Ich habe auch keine Altmetall und um der Ausbildungslager fertig zu bauen brauche ich Gold der nicht vorhanden ist. I am lost!

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 22:16
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Posted at: 2022-01-05, 22:12

Also die Messages werden in der Regel durch die Abbarbeitung der Missionsziele getriggert.
Bezüglich des Goldes gibt es noch die Möglichkeit z.B. ein bestimmtes Gebäude abzureißen und so etwas Gold zu bekommen.
Die friesen Misionen sind definitv bockschwer und man braucht alle Tricks.

Edit: the messages telling you how to solve the situation are triggered as soon as the player owns a field suitable for mining and has fulfilled the first objective to build a basic infrastructure.
Edit 2: in den Messages wird die Notwendigkeit zum Abriss des bestimmten Gebäudes explizit aufgeführt. Allerdings nur wenn man aus dem vorhergehenden Szenario kein Gold mitgenommen hat.

Edited: 2022-01-05, 22:19

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Joined: 2015-01-25, 20:44
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Location: Hannover Germany
Posted at: 2022-01-09, 21:31

thanks for the Information. I am slowly but surely getting the hang of it. I finally found the iron (down the coast) that I was sorely missing. It is a challange but that makes it so good!


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Joined: 2020-05-01, 01:20
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2022-01-19, 14:41

Ich bin ein DUMBKOPT. Ich nicht gemacht meine hausaufgarbe (in high school). How I wish I could read ALL of the posts face-sad.png

Oh well, I still get to play Widelands and build maps face-smile.png So pleased that we have Widelands available in so many languages. face-smile.png

Frisians are my favourite tribe for playing as the Human. I mostly just play against AI. I like to have all the tribes active when I play if there can be enough players.

Edited: 2022-01-19, 14:48

Accept the challenge to excel with the humility to receive help.

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 22:16
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Posted at: 2022-01-19, 20:11

sorry for writing in german.
here a short translation of my previous post:
Messages are triggered by fulfilling the objectives.
the message ion question (which tells how to get to mine iron) is triggered if the first objective is fulfilled and the player owns a mining field
for the solution you need gold which can be obtained by dismantling a defined building which is definitly told in the message.
Alternatively yopu might carry over some gold from previous mission.

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