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Topic: using more paths for transport

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Joined: 2022-01-15, 19:17
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Posted at: 2022-01-15, 19:56

Hi all,

I just started playing this game but noticed the game does not try to transport the goods ASAP to the destination. When you make a parallel path, it wouldnt choose it at all, on exception if it would be faster. I remember from Settlers II the game would also use the alternative or parallel path to get goods from 1 route that needed to go to the destination and when a second route was made this was used also if the quickest route was getting too busy.

Is this done by design or still in progress?

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Joined: 2019-02-21, 11:03
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2022-01-16, 11:58

Hi Kreshj, welcome.

I'm pretty sure that this is already the case, even though i cann't really give you the details of the algorithm. It might be capped (the ware might not make a 10 times longer way even if your streets are a deadlock, as an extreme example) and it might take some time before new wares are send along the new path (are the ware path recalculated every time a new road is build? Soldiers paths are when they arrive at a flag iirc).

I might be wrong though, most people here know these kind of things better than i do, so in doubt, trust them!

Edit : I looked at the code a bit right now, i couldn't find confirmation, but the pathing is done with a A* algorithm it seems, and i would be really surprised if the number of wares at a flag isn't included in the cost of going through this flag. But i couldn't find the exact spot in the code.

Edited: 2022-01-16, 12:30

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Joined: 2020-05-01, 02:20
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2022-01-19, 15:27

Hi Guys

I have found that sometimes when my roads get clogged I need to remove a road and put it back again in the exact same place to get things moving. I am sure my wares that are waiting at the road junction are not lost by this activity and my carriers are soon moving normally again. face-smile.png

On a related but different issue, I find that sometimes my miners and other factory workers stop working and the pop up message says the ware is not required even though I need a ware at another location and it just is not coming even if I wait for a very long time.

I have found a solution is to open the ware window of the building that is in need and move the quantity markers backwards and forwards a couple of times. I also move the delivery urgency points from the top to the bottom and back up a couple of times. Very soon after I do this the ware begins to become produced and manufacturing operations resume. face-smile.png

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2022-01-19, 21:05

Lawrence wrote:

Hi Guys

I have found that sometimes when my roads get clogged I need to remove a road and put it back again in the exact same place to get things moving. I am sure my wares that are waiting at the road junction are not lost by this activity and my carriers are soon moving normally again. face-smile.png

well the next destination is stored with the ware (if not the complete path), AFAIK, so destroying a flag might trigger recalculation of path and next destination. To be confirmed by a dev with more knowledge. I am not sure whther the wares will be preserved in thgis case.

On a related but different issue, I find that sometimes my miners and other factory workers stop working and the pop up message says the ware is not required even though I need a ware at another location and it just is not coming even if I wait for a very long time.

It might be the case the wares are available in another location in your economy and might need a lot of time to travel (especially if seafaring is involved. So with a growing economy and territory it is recommendable to increase economy settings and built warehouses.

I have found a solution is to open the ware window of the building that is in need and move the quantity markers backwards and forwards a couple of times. I also move the delivery urgency points from the top to the bottom and back up a couple of times. Very soon after I do this the ware begins to become produced and manufacturing operations resume. face-smile.png

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