Topic: Coat of Arms: Barbarians


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Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
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Posted at: 2010-11-29, 21:59

Next try: coat of arms: barbarians

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Joined: 2010-03-15, 16:23
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Posted at: 2010-11-29, 22:40

I'm not sure I like the "diamond/star". I'll have to let it sink in a while.

The skull is improving. Reducing the size of the skull helped. It is in better proportion to the axes, but to me it looks more simian than human. Maybe tone down the shadows on either side of the nose to give it a flatter look.
The teeth need more work. They appear too small in the front and too flattened on their bottoms. Also, try reducing the distance between the nasal cavities and the teeth. It's a challenge to get the proportions to look right, but it's definitely coming along. face-smile.png

Edited: 2010-11-29, 22:41

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Joined: 2010-10-05, 20:31
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Posted at: 2010-11-30, 13:37

I would try to make the nose just like one black hole. And the forehead should be higher. There needs to be enough space for a human brain. face-wink.png

About the symbol in the upper half: I don't like it that much, but I don't know exactly why. Maybe it's because it's too small or because I can't imagine a meaning of this symbol. The upper part of the shield is still too empty, I think.

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Joined: 2010-06-22, 00:10
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Posted at: 2010-11-30, 15:04

I really like the axes and the shield. The wolf could still use some... forming in my opinion face-wink.png Can you make him look snarling?

snarling wolf Sadly Im not that talented at drawing, otherwise I would try it^^

The shiny diamond itself looks nice, but im not sure, if it fits in the babarian context. I guess they wouldnt care about such precious decoration face-wink.png

And heres another suggestion: If you rase the axes + skull + wolf like they are aranged now, so that the skull is centered in the middle of the lower half of the shield, you could fill the empty upper part still having the wolf recognisable.

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Joined: 2010-10-05, 20:31
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Posted at: 2010-11-30, 15:42

Gannaf wrote: The shiny diamond itself looks nice, but im not sure, if it fits in the babarian context. I guess they wouldnt care about such precious decoration

You've got a point.

And heres another suggestion: If you rase the axes + skull + wolf like they are aranged now, so that the skull is centered in the middle of the lower half of the shield, you could fill the empty upper part still having the wolf recognisable.

I like that idea. The wolf then could be set a bit higher to be seen better, too. Just a bit. About the cross in the background... I'm not sure, if it in this case should stay there. It could be too much. But that's something that has to be tried.

Edited: 2010-11-30, 15:42

Two is the oddest prime.

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Joined: 2010-03-15, 16:23
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Posted at: 2010-11-30, 17:20

Gannaf makes some interesting suggestions about repositioning some of the elements. I'd like to see the skull addressed first, tho.

As for an element at the top of the shield, if something is placed there, I'd like to see it in gold like the sunburst on the original emblem. The barbarians mine for gold and it is appropriate I think to include that in the design. As already stated, diamonds are not part of the barbarian economy (at least not yet).

Well, fraang, I hope we've not frustrated you. face-smile.png I eagerly await your next edition.

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Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
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Posted at: 2010-11-30, 20:05

Thx for the feedback. I will try that.

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Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
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Posted at: 2010-12-13, 22:45

At the moment I am redoing the coat of arms in blender for a better quality of lightning and general 3d effect.

But in the meantime I want to present a try to improve the Widelands logo.

I hope you like it. face-wink.png

Here the preview png: Widelands logo

And here the xcf packed in a zip (I have some troubles getting an ssh key for Launchpad):


Edited: 2010-12-14, 00:07

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2010-12-14, 11:27

I honor the attempt... but it is oh so gray... not the wide lands I imagine when I close my eyes.

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Joined: 2010-03-15, 16:23
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Posted at: 2010-12-14, 14:39

I do like the 3D look, but as SirVer says "oh so gray" and that is unfortunately made even more emphasized when seeing it on the gray background of this forum.
While the font structures the letters themselves rather narrow, I am curious how it might appear if they were painted with a landscape scene extended across all of the letters, not in the background but on the letters as though the letters were windows onto the scene... (i.e. to use the letter graphic as a mask). It might be a challenge though to find/create a scene that lends itself to that use.
Good attempt, though. Keep on plugging! face-smile.png

Edited for explanation.

Edited: 2010-12-14, 14:47

I see little people.

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