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Topic: Help me cheat through campaign

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Posted at: 2022-03-20, 23:02

I need to cheat even more (I already played it and read all the spoilers so I have loads of unfair knowledge about it) in Frisian Campaign 2 Icy Welcome.

What I want is to know where in the save game it has the data on how many milbld I had at the time. I think it was 15 but if it is 16 or 17 I wanna use that. I cheated a lot already in reading the lua files (stuff reminds me of Pascal a bit) and found a game.dump binary that has milbld in it but I could not find any hex values near it that where even near 15...

I might edit it too once I find it. Don't feel like playing again to make sure I have huge number of mil. buildings when I meet the Emp.

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Posted at: 2022-03-20, 23:14

Hacking the globals.dump? Not likely face-wink.png

This file is created by a third-party library which has been added many years ago and whose format has never been investigated. I believe you'd need to decipher Eris's persistance format yourself because noone here can interpret it. This makes any modding of the scripting in a saved game a near-impossible task. A local variable like milbld is also not readily accessible from the scripting console.

What you can do (and which seems much simpler than hacking the binary data) is to try our how many buildings you can build before Murilius gets angry, and then reload the savegame.

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Posted at: 2022-03-21, 19:28

Oh thanks for the tip. I really am a novice at cheating. Well actually I think the problem is my mind just refuses to work that way. Too many decades playing board games solo. Not much call for cheating there... face-smile.png

p.s. So easy that was. And I did have the right number. 15.

Edited: 2022-03-21, 19:36

To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

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