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Topic: Question regarding music

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Joined: 2021-11-18, 23:49
Posts: 11
Pry about Widelands
Location: USA
Posted at: 2022-05-20, 00:34

I've found that I can customize the soundtrack by adding to or changing the songs in the music folder, I wanted to add some extra music from another game to help mix things up; the same stuff gets a bit boring after a few dozen hours, lol.

And if anyone else wants to customize their soundtrack: AFAIK they must be in .ogg format, you can easily find how to convert music files with an internet search, and they must be named ingame_xx starting at 00. Order doesn't really matter because the music player in the game works on shuffle, just make sure they're numbered right, might cause an error otherwise.

My question is: If I use a soundtrack that is different from another player, will this cause multiplayer issues, or is that something that needs tested?

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2022-05-20, 16:51

The background music is not synchronized across multiplayer games, so all customisations here are safe.

Regarding modding, your observation is correct for the latest release v1.0 and older. In the current development version, you can also place custom music files in <Widelands home dir>/music/custom_XX.* (where XX are running numbers from 00 on). Whether to use this music can then be turned on and off in the options menu. This supports both OGG and MP3.

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Joined: 2019-05-20, 18:49
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Posted at: 2022-05-21, 20:41

Oooh, now I can listen to Heavy Metal while peacefully building my gentle lands...

Yeah that's a joke, I don't really listen to Metal.

Interesting mod though, I'm tempted to try it out... although I do wonder if it isn't just less hastle to turn off the WL music and turn on something else. I guess the point would be to tweak it a little by "permanently" adding some track that really fits WL. Hmmm wonder what would work.

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