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Topic: Military questions

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Joined: 2022-04-29, 18:24
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Posted at: 2022-06-18, 19:06
  1. In "Playing interface"->"Statistics"->"General statistics"->"Military"(the tab on the very right), I wonder of what numbers is that statistic/graph based on? Because when I have e.g. 200 soldiers, the "Military" statistic graph says my military number(?)/rating(?) is e.g. 700. So when it is not just the total number of a player's soldiers, then what else does the graph/number stand for? face-surprise.png Does a soldier of the lowest level count as e.g. 1 "point", and a fully trained ("hero") soldier counts as e.g. 72 "points" or so? Or how does the "military" statistic/graph gets calculated by the system? (I looked up but it doesn't tell what exactly the "military" statstic is showing.)

  2. In "General statistics"->"Soldiers" you can see how many soldiers of all the different training/level statuses you have by yourself. Is there also a way to show such a window of your enemies so that you can also see the numbers of the other (AI) players? So that when you see in the "Military"-statistics that your enemy has a military "rating" of e.g. 100, that you can look up whether the player has 50 weak soldiers of the rating 2(e.g.), or 2 strong soldiers of the rating 50(e.g.)? (Probably that knowledge would lower the excitement when reaching another player, so for this maybe it would be good to not have this information, but I was just wondering whether it might be available somewhere and I maybe just didn't notice it?)

  3. What is the difference between stored "carrier" people and stored "recruit" people? Because, I mean I think when you have e.g. a woodcutter missing, then one of the stored "carrier" people takes a woodcutter-axe and transforms into a woodcutter. And when a recruit gets in the barracks(?) [Kaserne] an axe, he transforms into a soldier. But before getting a woodcutter-axe and a [soldier] axe - aren't the two just "unqualified" people? Why can't "carrier" people not transform via a [soldier] axe into soldiers, and "recruit" people not transform via a woodcutters-axe into woodcutters?

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Posted at: 2022-06-18, 19:20

1: Each soldier counts the sum of all his training levels plus 1, so e.g. a rookie counts 1 point, a soldier with 2 training steps counts 3, and a soldier with 10 training steps 11 points.

2: No, you can only see the detailed stats for your own tribe. Other players' stats are kept secret by design as knowing this would be a huge strategical advantage.

3: Carriers and Recruits are both available for free in infinite quantity in every warehouse. The only reason recruits were added at all was eye-candy. Frisians and Amazons don't have them at all, they simply use carriers instead.

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Posted at: 2022-06-18, 20:48

Thank you so much for your reply, Nordfriese! face-smile.png (I like your avatar picture, btw! face-smile.png How great you created your "own" tribe! face-smile.png Retroactively also congratulations for receiving the chieftain baton and for fulfilling that appointment! face-smile.png You and all the others can be so proud of what all of you have done that far and what you all are still creating and developing! face-smile.png I also want to say that my questions are not urgent, so I hope you and the others here know that I don't expect immediate answers, because, I mean, I don't wanna crash your weekend or so! face-smile.png So please all of you feel free to answer whenever you want to. face-smile.png )

1: Aha! face-smile.png How many additional training levels are there in the game? 13? (I looked up : )

rookie soldier (level 0 of each of the four categories) [1 point]


"Attack": 5 additional training levels [max. 5 points]

"Defense": 2 additional training levels [max. 2 points]

"Evade": 2 additional training levels [max. 2 points]

"Healthpoints": 4 additional training levels [max. 4 points]


max.: hero soldier [14 points] <--- yes?

So if the "military" statistic of one of my enemies says he has a military strength of e.g. 140, then it could be that his military consists of 140 no-trained-at-all rookie soldiers, or it could be that his military consist of 10 fully-trained hero soldiers - yes?

2: Ah, as I thought, hehe! face-smile.png Additional question just coming to my mind: I don't know how far the development of the planned "trading/economy interaction between allied players"-feature is, but I guess that when this once would be worked out, I think that then it would be logical to enable it that Team1-playerA can see what Team1-playerB has/misses of wares, so e.g. if I see my ally misses e.g. wood and I have much of it, then I would transfer it to him, logically. I read that it was also suggested/discussed to exchange not only wares but also people between allied players, logically. So when the feature once would be created, wouldn't it make sense then, that one can see not only the exact numbers of one's own different levels soldiers, but also from your allied players, too? So that you could see whether your ally does need rather just a lot of more soldiers or rather just a few heroes?

3: Aha! face-surprise.png Wasn't noticing that! face-surprise.png (Most often playing barbarians.) Interesting, good to know! face-smile.png

Edited: 2022-06-18, 20:51

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2022-06-18, 21:06

Thank you face-smile.png

1: The maximum training levels are different for each tribe:

Health 3 4 1 2 3
Attack 5 4 4 6 2
Defense 0 0 2 2 2
Evade 2 2 2 0 3

So Atlanteans have a maximum total level of 9, all others of 10.
(By the way, there is no statistics window that would tell you the tribe of another player, again by design to make random matches more interesting; though even if you don't see a player's border markers, their statistics graph may contain clues which an experienced player might know how to read.)

2: Related wishlist item:
But the best way to know which wares to share will of course be to ask them via the chat face-wink.png

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Posted at: 2022-06-18, 23:42

Nordfriese wrote:

Thank you face-smile.png

You're welcome! face-smile.png

1: The maximum training levels are different for each tribe:

Health 3 4 1 2 3
Attack 5 4 4 6 2
Defense 0 0 2 2 2
Evade 2 2 2 0 3

So Atlanteans have a maximum total level of 9, all others of 10.

Ah, ok, that's what you also meant with your earlier posting (sorry I didn't understand it earlier) : untrained "rookie" = 1 point fulltrained "hero" = 11 points (except Atlantean hero who is 10 points) Interesting! face-surprise.png face-smile.png

(By the way, there is no statistics window that would tell you the tribe of another player, again by design to make random matches more interesting;

Aha! Good you tell me, because I think I sometimes wondered what tribes the other players would be and why this is not shown in the statistics section at the different coloured flags/players' names - so otherwise that could have been one of my next questions probably! face-grin.png

though even if you don't see a player's border markers, their statistics graph may contain clues which an experienced player might know how to read.)

whispering face-surprise.png which clues? (thought about it, but I have no idea) face-surprise.png whispering

(but of course you don't have to tell me, if that is a thing, which players should find out by their own experience, e.g.)

2: Related wishlist item:
But the best way to know which wares to share will of course be to ask them via the chat face-wink.png

Aha! / Yes, that's true - that probably would be the easiest/most direct way! face-grin.png

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2022-06-19, 07:16

though even if you don't see a player's border markers, their statistics graph may contain clues which an experienced player might know how to read.)

whispering face-surprise.png which clues? (thought about it, but I have no idea) face-surprise.png whispering

(but of course you don't have to tell me, if that is a thing, which players should find out by their own experience, e.g.)

For example, Atlantean rookies are stronger than those of other tribes so they start with only 35 soldiers instead of 45 like the others. And Frisians get far more starting wares than the others due to their more expensive economy. Attached is an image showing the graphs for all five tribes (I'm leaving it to you to find out which colour is which tribe face-wink.png ):

This assumes all players are using the default Headquarters starting condition. Other starting conditions are different of course; however every player's starting condition is known to everyone at game setup time. Only in scenarios there is (yet again, by design) no reliable way of knowing someone else's tribe before you meet them (sometimes you don't even know there is another player because the scenario can choose to hide their stats graphs from you)…

Edited: 2022-06-19, 07:16


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Joined: 2022-04-29, 18:24
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Posted at: 2022-06-25, 10:48

Oh, yes, I see! face-smile.png That is very interesting! face-surprise.png Thank you for your detailed explanations, Nordfriese! face-smile.png

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