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Topic: Stopped vs. Worker is Missing

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Joined: 2022-09-08, 20:44
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Pry about Widelands
Location: Rockford, Illinois, USA
Posted at: 2022-09-11, 16:06

I'm not sure this is a bug so much as a design decision. I'd appreciate some feedback.

I have a situation where I built several new Fishing Houses but have too few workers available due to not having enough tools. So the status line for some of my Fishing Houses shows "Worker Missing"

Some of my older Fisher's Houses are in a "No Fish" state. As I understand things, some fish can still be caught there, but not as quickly. So I usually don't dismantle or destroy them. I just let them work slowly.

But now that I'm low on Fishers, I decided to stop those houses and terminate the employment of the Fishers.

The result is that those houses have the status "Worker Missing" -- even though the house is stopped.

At least in my situation, I'd rather see "Stopped" instead of "Worker Missing". Ideally, there would be some way to indicate that the house was both stopped and without a worker: something like Mothballed, Dormant, Unused, or Empty.'

But if I had to choose one, "Stopped" seems more important than "Worker Missing".'

I doubt this would only be true for Fishing Houses: probably mines would work the same way.

Any thoughts? Should this count as a bug? Am I misunderstanding something?

This is using Version 1.1~git1 (a1e798f@master) Debug

Edited: 2022-09-11, 16:29

Rich Holton

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Posted at: 2022-09-11, 16:16

Fisher's houses are not like mines: When the fish are all gone, no new ones can be caught, unless a fishbreeder adds new fish or you free up some blocked nodes where there still are fish.

However +1 for showing a text like "Unused" if the building is both stopped and empty. See also: #2062: don't let workers occupy a stopped building when there are still unoccupied working ones

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Location: Rockford, Illinois, USA
Posted at: 2022-09-11, 17:03

Thanks for correcting me on how Fish houses work. I hadn't come across fishbreeders yet. I'm working through the Campaigns and am currently doing the Empire.

So in addition to mines, which will work slowly after "running out", there are at least three combinations where a building can resume activity: Fishers (Fishbreeders), Lumberjacks (foresters), and Hunters (Gamekeepers).

Any more?

Rich Holton

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Posted at: 2022-09-11, 17:14

Which resources are replenishable is tribe-specific:

Resource Tribes that can replenish it What happens when depleted
Animals Barbarians and Amazons stop working
Trees all stop working
Rocks none stop working
Fish Atlanteans and Amazons stop working
Water none Depleted wells still have a very high (65%) chance of success
Mountainous minerals none 5-10% success chance on depletion, depending on the tribe and the mine's depth

This only holds for official tribes. Add-ons can change pretty much anything here. It would for example be possible to create a tribe that replenishes iron ore indefinitely, or that creates new rocks on the map, or can't plant trees.

Edited: 2022-09-11, 17:15

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Joined: 2022-09-08, 20:44
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Pry about Widelands
Location: Rockford, Illinois, USA
Posted at: 2022-09-11, 17:22

Thanks again!

Mulling over terminology, what do you think of "Abandoned" for stopped and empty?

Rich Holton

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