Topic: Bug while starting new (network) game

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Joined: 2018-01-07, 21:01
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Pry about Widelands
Location: Ellwangen
Posted at: 2022-10-02, 21:01

Hi all,

during starting a new (network) game there is occuring an error with following message:

[/Users/runner/work/widelands/widelands/src/graphic/] save_to_png: could not create png struct

I'm using version: 1.1~git1 (d11a49c@master) Debug on MAC OS. Same error occured with Release version.

Sorry, I was not sure where to address this bug so I thought to put it into this forum.

Best regards, Dillinger

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Posted at: 2022-10-02, 21:24

Now that's an interesting bug…

Did you download a precompiled Widelands binary (if so, which one?) or did you compile it yourself? If the latter, which version of libpng do you have?

Does the bug happen reproducibly or only rarely? Possible easy explanation, might your machine have been out of free memory?

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Joined: 2018-01-07, 21:01
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Posted at: 2022-10-03, 00:32

Hi Nordfriese,

I have just downloaded the todays (yesterdays) daily build ( and also tried the corresponding debug version.

Yes, it is reproducable. I‘ve tried it several times with different settings (different levels, single player, multiplayer via internet). I was not able to start any game. I am using a 2014 macbook pro with 16 GB RAM. There only was running Discord in parallel. Up to now memory never was a problem … at least not with versions up to v1.0.

Best regards, Dillinger

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Posted at: 2022-10-09, 15:42

Problem still exists (see attached screenshot). Could I provide you some more details that helps you fixing this issue?

Attachment: image/png
Bildschirmfoto 2022-10-09 um 15.39.03.png

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Pry about Widelands
Location: Ellwangen
Posted at: 2022-10-23, 19:30

@Nordfriese: Same problem with official build Widelands 1.1. face-sad.png Is there any informaion I could deliver you to help fixing this issue? One more info - this is also occuring while starting a local game.


Edited: 2022-10-23, 19:34

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2022-10-23, 19:36

Please have a look at this thread and see if it might help you:

This is a Mac-specific issue, unfortunately I can't really help there having no experience with Macs at all

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Posted at: 2022-10-23, 20:38

Hi Nordfriese!

Thanks for this information - I'm not that familiar with builing SW on my MAC. face-wink.png Hope there will be a fix in the official release. Nevertheless I will try to build the SW on my own. The repo is already cloned to my local machine but there is no CMake installed. Puh - challenging.

Best regards, Dillinger

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Posted at: 2022-10-24, 21:19

Would be great if someone could support here. I'm not able to create the software by myself. face-sad.png

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Joined: 2019-06-03, 20:06
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Posted at: 2022-10-25, 03:01

It seems the problem appears because the build uses libpng 1.4 instead of 1.6 for some reason:

Even though libpng 1.6 appears to be installed:

So it indeed seems to be the same problem as in issue #5239.

Just a guess, but perhaps specifying that PNG version 1.6 is required in CMakeLists.txt could help?

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Joined: 2018-01-07, 21:01
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Location: Ellwangen
Posted at: 2022-10-28, 21:28

Hi all,

I need some help on this topic. Hope there is a MAC user reading this. I would like to play Widelands with some friends at Christmas time - so it would be really great if this could be fixed until then!

Best (of course) would be a fixed version - at least as daily build version. For now I try to compile a version by my own - this is not working due to the problem see attached screenshot. Any idea what to do? I'm not that experienced - sorry in advance.

Best regards, Dillinger

Attachment: image/png
Bildschirmfoto 2022-10-28 um 21.20.05.png

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