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Topic: New experimental tribe: Europeans

Joined: 2021-05-20, 15:35
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2022-10-04, 18:50

What is really strange is that some saves before, the hut was partially working, here it is, two trees were planted, then it stopped working for no reason.

EDIT: for some reasons they started working again after I restarted the game. This is pretty strange.

EDIT2: I got it, the rangers don't plant the trees if logs are not needed, cool!

Edited: 2022-10-04, 19:46

Attachment: image/jpeg
widelands bug 5.jpg

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Posted at: 2023-04-25, 14:28

Just a note to the Addon-developer @MarkMcWire:

There is an issue with the addon: "missing sticky note animation; making game crash.".


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Posted at: 2023-05-23, 03:59

dreieck wrote:

Just a note to the Addon-developer @MarkMcWire:

There is an issue with the addon: "missing sticky note animation; making game crash.".


Have added the animation in the last update, just copied from Empire since I use no own animation files at the moment.

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Posted at: 2023-05-24, 02:30

Kontorotsui wrote:

Also, another matter, maybe I'm missing something, but after I send the geologist (nice that you have to make the recruitment center and train them first then equip with several tools),

I fix this problem with version 3.3.2, added a geologist to the starting conditions, so every player has at least one geologist at the beginning without recruitement center and tools.

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Posted at: 2023-05-30, 03:43

I did a big update this weekend. A version jump from 3.3.2 to 3.4.0. The new version is not compatible with savegames that were opened with older versions. The reason is the change in the economic structure.

Deleted the ware "tabard" from the tribe and replaced it with "armor_wooden". Also added a new "helmet_wooden". Thus, the basic needs of recruits can be made entirely of wood. Soldiers are now recruited from recruits without additional equipment, only "coin_wooden", "quartz" and "diamond" are required as virtual payment for training. For this, the recruit in the training center now also needs "armor_wooden" and "helmet_wooden" in addition to the "spear_wooden". The normal "Armor" is no longer required for equipping or training soldiers. It serves as a raw material for the crafting of "armor_processed", which is used for training level 1 health of soldiers. The "armor_processed" is made in the armor smithy.

A new addition are boots for training evasion. Equipment items are now required for all 4 training levels (health, evade, attack, defense). This makes the whole economy a little more comprehensible and clearer. I took over the boots from the Amazon tribe. However, I renamed "boots_hero" to "boots_advanced" to be consistent with the other goods "armor_advanced" and "shield_advanced".

Another change is that gold is no longer required to craft advanced items from the armor smithy. Only iron, planks, cloth and armor are required. Gold is only used as a building material for valuable buildings and in the market to "manufacture" gold coins when selling wine and meals.

Otherwise I only changed small things that affect the AI. The most important change is that dyking and harbors are not activated at the same time in the starting conditions. This is to avoid crashes when waters are dyked next to the ports and the ships can no longer reach them. If desired, I can also create a starting condition that contains both options, but not useful for AI players. A human player should be smart enough not to build terraformers houses near ports.

There is also a new debug start condition, which is still beta. This serves to detect errors in the economic structure of the tribe. The condition only unlocks the buildings gradually, so crashes and AI misbehavior can be determined on specific buildings or workers.

Edited: 2023-05-30, 03:49

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Posted at: 2023-06-02, 11:30

Addition to version 3.4.1, the tribe now has the new ware "Leather", which is produced by animal farms and processed into boots in the armorsmithy. Leather is a by-product of meat production and is therefore always produced. Since it is an additional ware, savegames started with version 3.4.0 should also work with 3.4.1. Only the armor smithy have to be demolished and rebuilt so that the new ones then accept leather as input.

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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2023-07-07, 12:22

MarkMcWire wrote:

I did a big update this weekend. A version jump from 3.3.2 to 3.4.0. The new version is not compatible with savegames that were opened with older versions. The reason is the change in the economic structure.

Deleted the ware "tabard" from the tribe and replaced it with "armor_wooden". Also added a new "helmet_wooden". Thus, the basic needs of recruits can be made entirely of wood. Soldiers are now recruited from recruits without additional equipment, only "coin_wooden", "quartz" and "diamond" are required as virtual payment for training. For this, the recruit in the training center now also needs "armor_wooden" and "helmet_wooden" in addition to the "spear_wooden". The normal "Armor" is no longer required for equipping or training soldiers. It serves as a raw material for the crafting of "armor_processed", which is used for training level 1 health of soldiers. The "armor_processed" is made in the armor smithy.

A new addition are boots for training evasion. Equipment items are now required for all 4 training levels (health, evade, attack, defense). This makes the whole economy a little more comprehensible and clearer. I took over the boots from the Amazon tribe. However, I renamed "boots_hero" to "boots_advanced" to be consistent with the other goods "armor_advanced" and "shield_advanced".

Another change is that gold is no longer required to craft advanced items from the armor smithy. Only iron, planks, cloth and armor are required. Gold is only used as a building material for valuable buildings and in the market to "manufacture" gold coins when selling wine and meals.

Otherwise I only changed small things that affect the AI. The most important change is that dyking and harbors are not activated at the same time in the starting conditions. This is to avoid crashes when waters are dyked next to the ports and the ships can no longer reach them. If desired, I can also create a starting condition that contains both options, but not useful for AI players. A human player should be smart enough not to build terraformers houses near ports.

There is also a new debug start condition, which is still beta. This serves to detect errors in the economic structure of the tribe. The condition only unlocks the buildings gradually, so crashes and AI misbehavior can be determined on specific buildings or workers.

This is nice, well done! Was the problem of the corrupted soldier info solved?

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Posted at: 2023-07-07, 16:29

I've made some other major changes. Instead of upgradable warehouses, which are pointless, i integrated a small store alongside the big store. In addition, the Advanced Forester can now terraform land before planting a tree there. For this, the terraformer can only extend the coast or terraform ponds (from the clay digger). This is a compromise for the AI. Otherwise many small changes, which I do not want to list them all in detail here. Most have to do with building costs, which I've now unified, and military buildings. The Advanced Castle can no longer be demolished. So you should only upgrade your castle / fortress if you want to keep the location permanently.

The tribe works as far as I've tested in the official Widelands 1.1. release (Linux-Version from Flathub) and also with the current Widelands 1.2. developer version without any obvious bug.

Edited: 2023-07-07, 16:30

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Posted at: 2023-08-13, 15:23

Made another major change with Version 3.7.0. (Will be available at Tuesday or Wednesday) Removed the wares "ration", "snack" and "meal" and introduced the new ware "bread". As a result, I turned the taverns into bakeries. Mines and training sites no longer receive food. Instead, the food is sold in the "Small Market" and "Big Market" buildings and the coins obtained from it are then used to pay for the mines, barracks, training sites and scouts.

Removed the two debug start conditions and developed a new start condition for the AI from them. Tested this, works relatively well.

In addition, I deleted the idle programs for many buildings, as these caused a lot of traffic jams up during transport. Buildings only produce when the ware are really needed for the economy. Of course, this reduces the productivity of the tribe noticeably, but I think that's manageable. To compensate, I have increased the quantity target of some wares.

Edited: 2023-08-13, 15:28

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Posted at: 2023-08-15, 21:15

For version 3.7.0 I added a shoemaker and a tailor to the tribe, with the corresponding buildings. Consequently, I renamed the armorsmith to weaponsmith respective armorsmithy to weaponsmithy.

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