Topic: Re-modelling Barbarian Buildings


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Posted at: 2010-12-18, 21:27

okay that ssh still gotta wait (dunno what that is , maybe i´ll read something about it later got some results ^^
first try:
(i guess the water material should change)

Edited: 2010-12-18, 21:42

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Posted at: 2010-12-18, 21:52

found water material

still got lot to learn...

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Posted at: 2010-12-18, 22:01

That well is definitely coming along. Water looks great! But that roof needs some loving care. face-smile.png

Here is a tip I learned for a conical roof that will accept material better: Start with a cylinder, ~16-20 vertices, open ends. That will give you rectangular faces on the sides. Select all vertices on the top rim and scale to 0. Give it a try. face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2010-12-18, 22:15

Re an SSH Key:
Here is the Launchpad page that covers setting up an account:
It leads to a page that explains how to set up the encryption/authentication Launchpad requires.

Good Luck!

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Posted at: 2010-12-18, 22:34

i guess i have an account, maybe my well just looks a bit buggy cause i raised the ends of that roof thing to make it look as if it would weight something

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Posted at: 2010-12-19, 11:39

i guess thats it, used a particle system, changed the rotation so that the workers can get to the water from the bottom-right-corner and fixed the roof i guess i´ll be tackling the mines soon but for now i guess i´ll try(!!!) working on the python a little bit

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Posted at: 2010-12-19, 19:17

jay, mining Business started! got a fresh new coalmine! now i´m going to figure out what ever those "hotspots" where... i know something about a conf file... and a png, a small png... not as big as this:

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Posted at: 2010-12-19, 20:34

Hello kingcreole, could you please provide small pictures of the new buildings? One can hardly see how it would look like in the game and something that looks good in a big model could look different (i.e. worse or even better) in a small one.

As for the mine: The wood texture should be the same as at the well. They're both made of trunk, I think? A suggestion for the player colour: You could make the roof above the mine shaft not that solid but with a canopy in player colour. I know, Chuck made something like that at the Atlantean shipyard (and other buildings there, too). I'm just not sure, whether that fits the picture of the Barbarians. But it could be worth a try. What do you think?

Edited: 2010-12-19, 20:35

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Posted at: 2010-12-19, 22:00

Venatrix wrote: Hello kingcreole, could you please provide small pictures of the new buildings? One can hardly see how it would look like in the game and something that looks good in a big model could look different (i.e. worse or even better) in a small one.

oh, right, i guess i´ll need to send the smaller pics next time^^

As for the mine: The wood texture should be the same as at the well. They're both made of trunk, I think?

could be right even though i´m not shure if i shouldn´t rather change the well because the other models done before by chuckw. got that plain material too

A suggestion for the player colour: You could make the roof above the mine shaft not that solid but with a canopy in player colour. I know, Chuck made something like that at the Atlantean shipyard (and other buildings there, too). I'm just not sure, whether that fits the picture of the Barbarians. But it could be worth a try. What do you think?

jes, great idea! didn´t think of that and just put that flagpole there because i didn´t find any spot to get the playercolor on, thank you ^^

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Posted at: 2010-12-19, 22:43

I'd like to thank Venatrix for his comments. They are just what I would have said. face-smile.png

We are trying to steer away from the "orange" wood where possible. Those buildings you see with it are carryovers from the original and should ultimately be adjusted to more natural colors and textures.

Regarding the mine: I like the overall design. Here are some things to bear in mind with this and all of the buildings:

  • the structures should be designed with floors visible in their doorways where applicable.
  • a 4 frame building sequence should be created for all of the buildings, especially military buildings.
  • Working animation is desired for all production sites. (By "working animation" I mean animation that depicts the building in its "working state". (e.g. smoke from chimneys, light in mine shafts, windmills turning, etc.)

Refer to the existing png file(s) in the game to get an approximation of the size required of the finished images.

Keep plugging, I like what I'm seeing. I'd like to see you push a branch to the widelands-media trunk if you can work out your SSH key challenge.


Edited: 2010-12-19, 22:46

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