Topic: Re-modelling Barbarian Buildings
kingcreole |
Posted at: 2010-12-20, 10:47
corrected the wood,added ground, used playercolor above mine and corrected size of coal (was way to small). big problems: 1: how can i animate renderability in blender 2.4x for building animation ? (2.5 would speed my progress up...) 2: smoke simulation only exists in 2.5, would be great if we could get the script done 3: working animation: light from mine getting brighter and less bright okay? i dunno what else i should animate... Edited: 2010-12-20, 11:16
live is my dancefloor as long as my lag works Top Quote |
chuckw Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2010-12-20, 16:33
The mine looks great!
I would like to see the coal, blacker like the image of the ware the carriers transport. See ~widelands-media/graphics/tribes/barbarians/parts.blend for some objects. It is a nice source of building objects, but again do not use that orange wood material. (You will find there is a mixture of older style models in with our recent remodels. As I have said, I mean to have the older models re-rendered with different wood materials. In fact, some need to be restaged for consistent camera angle and lighting.)
If you copy the ~widelands-media/graphics/tools directory into the path of the folder of your blend file, you can use the script that is found in that folder and in your blend file if you started from a template or existing model. That script not only generates the number of animation frames you specify, it also generates corresponding frames with the playercolor mask. It is a real time saver, especially regarding the masking.
Take a look at the barbarian helmsmithy. Maybe we can append its smoke animation.
Flickering light in the mineshaft is all I could hope for. Great!
Keep up the great work! I see little people. Top Quote |
kingcreole |
Posted at: 2010-12-20, 17:16
i used the coal from that parts.blend-file and the material has allready changed, i dunno why but it seems to me, that all those wood materials are those light ones, maybe i should change the materials from the materials-palette.blend file to a little darker or maybe this will work: i could turn the power of the preset lightning down a little... ty for the tip and what do you think should i do? search or even change materials or render with less light? live is my dancefloor as long as my lag works Top Quote |
chuckw Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2010-12-20, 17:43
Are you using the recommended rendering stage? If you have not used the staging (including lighting arrangement) from a template or existing model, I would suggest appending your mine model into the empty_building_template.blend and render from there.
Feel free to adjust the materials in your model as you see fit. In fact, if you would like to "adjust" the materials in the parts.blend model, you have my blessing.
Use your judgement as long as the models lighting is as consistent with the rest of the game as possible.
If you are already using the standard rendering stage, then I recommend your best recourse is to adjust the material and leave the lighting alone. Edited for clarity Edited: 2010-12-20, 17:47
I see little people. Top Quote |
kingcreole |
Posted at: 2010-12-23, 11:33
i guess the small mines are finished, do they look okay?
live is my dancefloor as long as my lag works Top Quote |
kingcreole |
Posted at: 2010-12-23, 11:37
also got those images with gold or iron mines live is my dancefloor as long as my lag works Top Quote |
kingcreole |
Posted at: 2010-12-23, 13:28
i was thinking: can the game engine handle all 9 pngs of every building? i mean widelands might take a whole lot of disk-space so would such a huge amount of pictures harm the game? live is my dancefloor as long as my lag works Top Quote |
chuckw Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2010-12-23, 16:26
I voiced the same concern a while ago (long before all of the worker animations with their many frames had been added, in fact). At that time, SirVer assured me that we graphicians should not worry about the number of animations and files we throw at the game engine. If the game starts to look bloated or overworked in anyway, I assure you he'll let us know. So, in other words, "Keep on Animating". I see little people. Top Quote |
kingcreole |
Posted at: 2010-12-24, 11:51
allrite i guess i created some branch and pushed all 3 mines as png files ^^ (i´m not too shure if i did something, and what i did but i found my branch on launchpad so i think its close to where it needs to be) oh, gotta push the .blend files too right?... live is my dancefloor as long as my lag works Top Quote |
kingcreole |
Posted at: 2010-12-24, 22:22
merry cristmas everyone i guess i´ll start getting the deep mines ready thought about using the miner model for the working animation, i might get it in, will shure look great are my mines approved? maybe they could be erased from the list of models needed... live is my dancefloor as long as my lag works Top Quote |