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Topic: Tournament 2022

Joined: 2015-12-28, 16:19
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Posted at: 2022-10-31, 06:22

So he came up with the idea of having some final event like a battle royale with full diplomacy options.

Battle Royal, sound like a ot pf fun, OTH I am running out of time slots, So aligning will be quite diffictult, I can offer next Saturday starting at 19:00 CET.

Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.

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Posted at: 2022-10-31, 08:48

Sounds fun, I'm in. Next Saturday evening would work for me.

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Posted at: 2022-10-31, 08:54

Congrats to WorldSavior!

hessenfarmer wrote:

So he came up with the idea of having some final event like a battle royale with full diplomacy options.

This would be wonderful.

Therefore here is my question: Would anybody be interested in a big last match on a map big enougfh for all players. And what would be a good map for such an event.

I am interested. Map suggestions:

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Joined: 2019-06-03, 20:06
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Posted at: 2022-10-31, 09:03

Thanks everyone for the fun tournament! Too bad I didn't do all that well face-tongue.png

Battle royale sounds great but I'm not sure if I'll be available. We'll see.

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
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Posted at: 2022-10-31, 11:20

Thank you for organizing the tournament, hessenfarmer! And thanks to all who congratulate me!

Interesting idea to organize a free-for-all-match, but I dont have time this saturday.

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Joined: 2022-04-29, 18:24
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Posted at: 2022-10-31, 17:34

If WorldSavior has no time at Saturday the 5th, then what would be with Saturday the 12th? Would that date fit for more of us?

Playing the game on a Saturday at 19:00 CET seems to me a good time slot suggestion by Hasi50. (Maybe we could think about choosing a win condition which would then automatically end the game after 4 hours or so, then the game would be finalized at 23:00 CET.)

My map suggestion would be "Europa 1.1":

(To determine starting positions (on whatever map), maybe we could do it the same way as in the last tournament round, thus that the lowest ranked player of the gone tournament would have the first start position pick, then the second-lowest player the next, etc. (Also that would enable me to first pick Greatbritain with so much ocean around it to sail on, hehe) On the other hand, it could very well be said that the better a player performed in the tournament, that this would deserve them the earlier the start pick, to honour their tournament performance)

(That map is for 8 players, but if we would be more players, we could edit this or another 8-player-map to have 16 player spots. Regardless whether we would play on a 8spot- or on a 16-spot-map, we maybe should think about what we would do if there would be some empty spots left - I mean, if we would not be exactly 8 or 16 players, do we wanna leave the missing spots empty as a humans-only-game, or do we wanna fill them up with AI players as a mixed humans-AI-game? Because, if we would want to do that, maybe there could just pop up even more surprising alliances during the game (human-human, AI-AI, human-AI) and we could further study how the AI reacts diplomatic-technically. But that is just a idea coming just to me. If the majority would want this time a humans-only game, I would also love that, of course. face-smile.png )

(If there would be players who did not participate in the tournament, but would like to join to play in this big game, I would have nothing against it, of course, if that would be ok for everyone else also. So maybe if we have empty spots left on a 8/16 player map, then we also could invite some old/new forum members and give them a wildcard for participating in the game. But that is just an idea. )

niektory, only 5 other players had a higher score than you - so I think you performed very well and that your first sentence would better fit if said by me, don't you think? face-wink.png

Of course, also from me, thanks for organizing the tournament to hessenfarmer - thanks to all participants for the joy of play and the conversations - and congratulations to the honourable winner, successfull title defender, record-holder, in-a-row now 7 times(!!!) WL champion of the wooooooooooorld ( <- you have to imagine it to be spoken out like from one those darts games player announcers, hehe): WorldSavior! :-) Congratulations, you are now quasi the Michael Schumacher and Lewis Hamilton of Widelands, as they also have the same amount of titles! face-smile.png

Edited: 2022-10-31, 18:11

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Joined: 2021-03-24, 12:44
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Posted at: 2022-10-31, 20:58

Thank you to everyone for the tournament.

I really didn't expect that I'd be doing this well. I still think I would probably have lost against all my opponents in open map autocrat. face-smile.png

Unfortunately I can't participate in the Battle Royale because I wouldn't want to force my scheduling constraints on all participants.

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2022-11-02, 11:18

Saturday the 5th also works good for me

hessenfarmer wrote:

So he [Seefahrer] came up with the idea of having some final event like a battle royale with full diplomacy options.

Therefore here is my question: Would anybody be interested in a big last match on a map big enougfh for all players. And what would be a good map for such an event.

This a great way to conclude thie years Tournament : ) if you want a larger 16 Player map that is good balanced and offers and less lag (not too huge) i just designed Infinithe-x for such great games

Some Feedback:

I like it, makes for a vicious free-for-fall between the AIs. The layout is nice and interesting, looks like a decent distribution of resources, cool features like the central island full of gold ( the real king-of-the-hill battle face-grin.png ) My only critique is it feels like white, purple, pink and dark purple have a little too much flat land, but that's just my opinion. All in all a nice map with options for tons of interesting scenarios, whether you use all 16 players or not. 9/10


Thx for feedback face-smile.png

The layout is nice and interesting, looks like a decent distribution of resources, cool features like the central island full of gold ( the real king-of-the-hill battle )

-> Yes, i was aiming at exactly this, an interesting distribution of Ressources just like the demand and some (16) interesting spots to fight over gold ... central island is for the long game, so if you build fortresses and manage to defend, there will be still a winner and the one who is holding the late game decider island in the middle with also stone (granit) and almost infini gold ressources

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2022-11-02, 11:48

Hi everybody,
unfortunately I am not certain whether I will be available on Saturday at 19.00 CET or even 20.00 CET.
But as there is interest in having a concluding event like this. I suppose everybody interested should fill the playtime scheduler fot the next 2 weeks.

I looked in the maps section and there are plenty of maps for 8 players. But personally I like cycles by tibor best.

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2022-11-06, 22:34

Unfortunately I missed some time this weekend. I guess this afternioon would have a good opportunity. However I strongly recommend all players interested to maintain their play times in our scheduler for the next 2 weeks to get a time for a real big game. I believe a game with more then 4 players would be kind of a premiere in our history . I prpopse to decide wednesday evening on the exact date based on the scheduler.

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