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Topic: Single player campaigns

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Joined: 2022-11-03, 17:20
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Posted at: 2022-11-03, 17:23


I love this game and all the new features... but every time I upgrade I am looking for new additions also to the campaigns.. I'm not the muiltiplayer type of person.. and I was just wondering if anyone is working on adding to the already built in campaigns .. For instance.. will there be one for the Amazons?


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Posted at: 2022-11-03, 17:40

Hi ivandracor and welcome to the forum face-smile.png

Unfortunately no Amazon campaign has been planned yet. I'm currently getting the fifth mission for the Frisian campaign into its final shape and intend to create number six over the winter. hessenfarmer has been working on the Empire and Atlanteans campaigns, I don't know whether he has definite plans for new scenarios there. Nobody is working on Barbarian scenarios.

Campaign creation is always very slow progress, it takes months of intensive work to design even a single scenario, and then even more time has to go into testing everything, incorporating feedback and testing that as well…

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Posted at: 2022-11-03, 18:30

I have an empire 5 in mind, which made very small progress so far.

My current plans are to fix atlanteans 2 initialisation, and see whether I can make any progress in empire 5.

However if somebody might come up with some nice storyline for an amazon first mission, I might rdirect my effort into this.

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Posted at: 2022-11-03, 19:13

Thank you for your replies.. I looked into working on making scenarios myself a while back but it's a lot to learn as I don't know lua at all. I appreciate all the hard work you all have done on this game. As far as the Amazons.. now that you ask if anyone has any good story lines I am drawing a blank myself.. it would just be nice to have something to start with to introduce you to the tribe like the others.. But as I said.. I love everything so far.. I really do appreciate all of the work that has gone into this game.


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Posted at: 2022-11-03, 20:19

I've been toying with the idea of a storyline for an Amazon campaign in my head for a while. It would roughly follow the colonisation of the Americas.

  1. Intro scenario (prehistoric, fictious):
    • teach basic buildings, get to the seashore
    • meet friendly Atlanteans there, learn mining, charcoal production, smelting as well as shipbuilding and sea travel from them in exchange for wood and gold (Atlanteans may be in Lutas era, at the end of the scenario they leave because they get news from home about the doom of Atlantis)
  2. Viking explorers (represented by Barbarians): find small group of Barbarians trying to colonise your continent from a base of a bigger island where they've already established a base (equivalent to Greenland), push them back to sea
  3. Spanish conquistadors (represented by Empire): they'd be strong, and get lots of reinforcements (they'd be convinced that you have lots of gold that they want to take and they'd always babble about the seven cities of gold face-smile.png ) This would have alternative win conditions:
    • easier: retreat to the mountains and build a secret city (equivalent to Macchu Picchu) there (buildable HQ face-smile.png )
    • very hard, entering into alternate history line: resist and eliminate them
  4. French/Dutch/English colonisation (represented by Frisians – with apologies): your starting economy size and military strength would depend on how you won the previous one (very strong if you drove out the Empire, medium if you just built your secret city – maybe with the Empire in your back to make it even harder?)
    • beginning story would say that they came and bought some land from you for useless items, so you would start as peaceful neighbours
    • I'm not sure how this could be done, but they should be able to weaken your soldiers with firewater and spread disease (maybe remove your productionsites near the border?)
    • when they're strong enough, they'd give you ultimatums to hand over more land in exchange for more useless wares: you could accept, but obviously that'd just weaken you. If you refuse, they attack. If you launch counter-attack, they get lots of reinforcements.
    • only possible to win by eliminating them? (or offer again a barely survive in reservations "win" condition for realism's sake?)
Edited: 2022-11-03, 20:20

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Posted at: 2022-11-14, 08:43

Hi tothxa,

great storyline, I like it. In case you need someone for testing, please let me now.

Cheers waldecker

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Posted at: 2022-11-14, 10:36

apart from the part that amazons learn from the atlantean I like the storyline as well.

I would prefer the Amazons devlop their stoneage steampunk abilities for themselves as a reaction of trading with the atlanteans, rather then being taught something.

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Posted at: 2022-11-14, 19:12

I was gonna make a joke about including Winnetou but alas the workers in WL are not very heroic. More ant like. Even the level 10 "hero" soldiers. : )

Jokes aside this sounds like a fantastic campaign!

Guess I better hurry and upgrade to 1.1 (need to update my whole OS to do it, YUCH, Debian 9 is not working with the latest flatpaks sadly)

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Joined: 2021-03-24, 12:44
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Posted at: 2022-11-15, 00:23

Re last scenario: If the Empire is not defeated in previous scenario, then instead of making it doubly harder, it should actually be balanced a little by making the 2 colonist tribes fight each other as well. (just as they did in real history)

(((maybe they should both have island bases as well → Pirates of the Caribbean!!! Arrrrr!!! face-smile.png face-smile.png face-smile.png – OK, different game, but couldn't resist face-smile.png )))

mxb2001 wrote:

Guess I better hurry and upgrade to 1.1

No need to hurry, this is only an idea at this time, nowhere near of getting implemented. face-smile.png

(need to update my whole OS to do it, YUCH, Debian 9 is not working with the latest flatpaks sadly)

Indeed. Unfortunately this is only because the 21.08 version of the runtime needs a newer OpenGL version.

And I thought I used the most outdated OS version (Debian 10) around here… face-smile.png

Edited: 2022-11-15, 00:26

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