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Topic: Removing attacked military building

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Joined: 2019-02-20, 12:10
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Location: Poland
Posted at: 2022-11-28, 19:21

I think it would be more real and better if a military building that is under attack could not be dismantled, because a builder wouldn't like to approach an attacked building. However a building can be still destroyed when there is a soldier inside (who can destroy it).

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Location: Bavaria
Posted at: 2022-11-28, 19:44

Well, dismantling is only possible if the enemy has no military building near that is instantly conquering the area. So if the area is still under own control a builder should be safeguarded by the soldiers. So i do not see any problems there.

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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One Elder of Players
Posted at: 2022-11-29, 11:57

hessenfarmer wrote:

Well, dismantling is only possible if the enemy has no military building near that is instantly conquering the area. So if the area is still under own control a builder should be safeguarded by the soldiers. So i do not see any problems there.

Same - one thing we might improve in long games: That if you tick dismantling the next 70 barracs that you attack are also dismantled and that you dont have to click this extra any time, also when attacking that default is that all able soldiers attack and imo larger buttons and wares that give an good handling of the game

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