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Posted at: 2023-01-21, 13:18
Hello everybody,
we are currently looking at our options to setup the game. We are especially interested whether somebody uses the options marked red in the attached image, and why they are considered useful.
Any input welcome.
If they are not widely used (means only few responses here) we might consider to remove them.
![docking options](https://www.widelands.org/forum/attachment/23642287bb04f3da195e6c33d9f335eaf28b8fd9/)
Edited by kaputtnik: Show the image
Edited: 2023-01-21, 13:37
Attachment: image/jpeg
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Posted at: 2023-01-21, 13:40
Since close to when i started playing widelands i use the option Dock windows to Edges . I would miss this feature if it will be removed.
The Option Snap Windows only when overlapping was never used by me.
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Posted at: 2023-01-21, 14:53
kaputtnik wrote:
Since close to when i started playing widelands i use the option Dock windows to Edges . I would miss this feature if it will be removed.
The Option Snap Windows only when overlapping was never used by me.
Same for me
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Posted at: 2023-01-22, 11:48
What is the effect of Snap Windows only when overlapping ? I activated it to see its purpose, but nothing changed. The option value seems to not be used anywhere in the code either.
I have also Dock windows to Edges active and find it quite useful.
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Posted at: 2023-01-22, 13:48
matthiakl wrote:
What is the effect of Snap Windows only when overlapping ? I activated it to see its purpose, but nothing changed.
When it is activated, the windows are not "pulled" together until they actually touch, but then there is a resistance before they are allowed to overlap.
As for the original question: I don't use any of the snapping options, so I abstain.
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Posted at: 2023-01-22, 14:19
to give my opinion. I don't need any of these options as the effect of both of them is rather small.
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Posted at: 2023-01-23, 12:28
Nordfriese wrote:
kaputtnik wrote:
Since close to when i started playing widelands i use the option Dock windows to Edges . I would miss this feature if it will be removed.
The Option Snap Windows only when overlapping was never used by me.
Same for me
Same for me, I would miss the "Dock windows to Edges" option
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Posted at: 2023-01-23, 17:29
waldecker wrote:
Nordfriese wrote:
kaputtnik wrote:
Since close to when i started playing widelands i use the option Dock windows to Edges . I would miss this feature if it will be removed.
The Option Snap Windows only when overlapping was never used by me.
Same for me
Same for me, I would miss the "Dock windows to Edges" option
And the same for me
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Posted at: 2023-01-25, 13:28
I also use "Dock windows to edges" but don't use "Snap windows only when overlapping".