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Topic: Combination of diking and ports causes game crashes.

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Joined: 2017-02-08, 21:06
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Location: Eisenach, Germany
Posted at: 2023-05-21, 18:12

I have a terraformer in my "European" tribe, which can expand the coast by diking. However, if there is a port on the coast, it will diking up the port and the game will then crash with the error message that no usable waters were found for the port.

Can you solve the problem somehow in the code of the game? For example, the navigable waters near ports cannot be terraformed by diking.


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Posted at: 2023-05-21, 18:41

Changing water terrain, whether by diking or scripting, and seafaring/ferries work terribly together. They simply were never really intended to be combined.

For the fri06 scenario I am working on making ship fleets respond appropriately to dikers terraforming near their paths, and I can also try to integrate a fix for this situation there. This will not be part of v1.2 though; and I would be reluctant to make a quickfix since will be a lot of related problems (e.g. port might become unreachable by being turned into a lagoon), so a fix is still some time away, sorry face-sad.png

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Joined: 2017-02-08, 21:06
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Posted at: 2023-05-22, 19:06

Then I change the starting conditions of the Europeans so that you can choose between seafaring or diking, but not both things are activated at the same time.

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Posted at: 2024-08-22, 15:17

Nordfriese wrote:

Changing water terrain, whether by diking or scripting, and seafaring/ferries work terribly together.

Doesn't it just!

I am on my 4th or 5th attempt at the 3rd Frisian campaign. The use of dykes (I have trouble spelling it 'dike') has trashed the game each time.

  1. Using a dyke anywhere near a port stops the ships getting in or out. I did find that dismantling the port and then rebuilding it allowed it to start receiving / sending ships again.

  2. Also, building a dyke along an existing sea route blocks the ships, no matter how far from the ports. The ships do not sail around the new land, they get stuck. Run aground, I suppose!

Shortly after, the game will crash.

When ships get stuck, I found that sinking the ships prevents the game crashing.

When a sea lane stops working because the ships are hitting new land, I found that demolishing one of the ports and rebuilding it allows new ships to operate the new sea route.

QUESTION: Does the route between ports get determined when the ports are built, and then is never revised? Is that why the ships 'run aground' on new land?

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