Topic: How to send tribute
Gumaa Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2023-08-09, 15:32
I'm fresh to this game and I'm playing the campaign now - "Struggling for a new home again" I'm playing this for the second time because this map is much harder than the previous ones and for the second time I have the same problem - I don't know how to pay the tributes to Kalitath. I've built the scout house, upgraded it to trading post and collected all the necessary stuff. But they are still saying that I didn't pay them. On top of that the trading post is showing that the worker is missing. So I don't know if I'm just a dum-dum and this is actually what is supposed to happen (meaning this is the lore), or I just didn't do something and the package wasn't send. Please help Edited: 2023-08-09, 15:32
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tothxa |
Posted at: 2023-08-09, 16:48
Hi, and welcome to the forum! If the trader is missing, then you cannot pay the tribute. The trader takes your goods to the Barbarians and brings back coins that keep track of how much you've paid. To "upgrade" the scout to trader, he needs a horse. The scenario provides one horse, presumably for this purpose, but unfortunately it's almost certainly assigned to some busy road before the trading post is ready. You have 2 options to solve this:
Edited: 2023-08-09, 16:49
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hessenfarmer |
Posted at: 2023-08-09, 20:27
Solution #2 is what is assumed by the designer of the scenario (me) ;-). Top Quote |
Gumaa Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2023-08-10, 09:02
You are right! I would never think about a horse. Thank you very much. Top Quote |
hessenfarmer |
Posted at: 2023-08-10, 09:50
if you open the in game help within this scenario and go to the workers tab, you should see the trader and its description, where you can see the buildcost. Top Quote |
Gumaa Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2023-08-10, 14:34
Ohhh, I didn't notice. I was trying to find it googling but with no luck. Thanks! Did you consider mentioning it somewhere in the messages in the scenario? Maybe I could contribute something on github. Top Quote |