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Topic: Naval Tournament 2023

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2023-09-17, 00:06

Hasi50 and me started our match today and we will continue on friday 22nd at about 19:00 CEST

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Posted at: 2023-09-17, 22:22

I just added a map candidate for round 4 to the official Addon.
It is a variant of plateau with some hard obstacles and a strong incentive to use naval tricks.

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Posted at: 2023-09-20, 16:12

Mars - Teayo : Thursday 21.09.2023 , 20:00 CEST Reserve : Saturday 23.09.2023 , 20:00 CEST

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Posted at: 2023-09-22, 23:48

Saturday 23.09.2023 - 20:00 CEST | Teayo - Mars | Part 2

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Joined: 2015-12-28, 16:19
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Posted at: 2023-09-23, 10:30

hessernfarmer and I finished our game yesterday while beeing live-streamed by Teayo. Teayo had a hard time. On the one hand commenting the video while not teilling the opponents to much. Our last Status was hesses first hard attack to by port in my southeast. This was the one next to my HQ so it was protected well enough. At the same time I had a Bread shortage as I failed to get enough shovels for the Black-Root-Farms. I managed to get my Bread prouction going but hesse meanwhile launched an attack to the southwest port which he won and then had a bridgehead into my Island. This in turn cut me off from fish supply so I expanded like mad (Teayo: Your settlemens are like cancer on the Map) My fish went down to 0 but I could recover. We both managed to breed real heros and had some big battles. Hesse had Issues getting rubber and other rare tree materials so it took him quite some time to fix this. Short before midnight he launched his final Attack to my main Port. Due to the battles on the west I had sent away some heros. Around midnight he was able to attack my HQ which I was unable to defend.

I mutiple times had the effect that a Bulding was waiting for a Builder (that was eventually located on some far away colony) and had to dis- and reconnect the building to reshedule someone else. This ist not a Bug but normal in such a scenario. (Well we could add some "prefer the local" to the algorithms but this is not that easy) Thanks for the game even though I lost it ...

Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2023-09-23, 12:12

After my initial strategy to cut you off from fish nearly was working. I did not have only the bridgehead in the southwest but one in the north too, I forgot to guar the northern port. so after you did retake it, you did an outstanding job in revovering your economy. I nearly was in the mood to give up several times when I watched your graphs, as I was suspecting you had founded colonies and I had issues to think about a useful countr attack strategy. As you did not use warships I might have tried to find and conquer all your colonies but that would have cost many soldiers, which I did not want to invest. Only after I realized that there is a second port space near your main port I saw a chance that this attack might solve the issue of your main port being guarded by a tower and so I manged to come back.

All in all it might have been the most struggling and intense match I played ever. Many thanks for that.
Thanks to @Teayo for streaming as well, although you were talking too much in our internal audio connection face-wink.png

I really recommend everybody watching the video of the stream on youtube on Teayo's channel. just search widelands und you will find it.

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Joined: 2015-03-09, 22:11
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Posted at: 2023-09-23, 14:50

It was actually an intense game.
At the beginning, when the game continued, it looked like hessenfarmer would end the game quickly, as he already had the advantage from the first part.
In the middle of the game, the strategic relationship tipped in favor of Hasi50. That was the point where hessenfarmer considered giving up the game. Craziness.
However, as already written in his post, he still found a lever and turned the strategic relationship back in his favor.

Livestream part 1/3 from
SA_16_09_2023_20.30_23.56 , Stream Duration 0:58:37 , Game Duration : 3:26:00 , Audio : German
Live stream part 2/3 from
SA_16_09_2023_20.30_23.56 , Stream Duration 2:07:31 , Game Duration : 3.26.00 , Audio : German
Livestream part 3/3 from
FR_22_09_2023_19.11_23.39 , Stream Duration 4:43:09 , Game Duration : 7:15:56 (with 3:26:00) , Audio : German

Widelands naval warfare tournament 2023 Livestream Playlist

I would think it would be better if people met in the voice channel on the Widelands Discord server in the future,
as I have the option to switch output and input (microphone) on and off using hotkeys.
This was possible on the website, but it was very complicated.
That would have made commenting much easier for me without the players hearing it.

Widelands Discord Server :

Currently i work on the images for example for post

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2023-09-24, 00:28

I updated the ranking after finish of round 3, and announced the next pairings.
However I would like to get a lot of things fixed before round 4 as we have only 2 rounds left.

list of bugs/&features to be fixed will follow

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Joined: 2015-12-28, 16:19
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Location: DE - near Frankfurt
Posted at: 2023-09-29, 15:03

I planned a timeslot with carli2 for today, But I think we have no reasonable version, yet?

Here are the widelands where people may dwell, walking around care that evrythings well.

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Location: Bavaria
Posted at: 2023-09-29, 16:45

Hasi50 wrote:

I planned a timeslot with carli2 for today, But I think we have no reasonable version, yet?

No, There is currently some review going on to get some things fixed for the next round.
I will report back when we have a new versioon and the tournament might continue.

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