Topic: Translation credits update

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Joined: 2023-09-25, 11:34
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Posted at: 2023-09-25, 13:18

Hi, I've seen new translations from new people pouring in but no update of widelands/commits/master/data/txts/translators_data.lua

The wiki states "please contact a reviewer or coordinator, so we can add your name to the translator credits"

Is that still the case? Does somebody have to manually tell The Widelands Translations Bot to update credits? Or is it supposed to do that automatically?

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Posted at: 2023-09-25, 13:58

Hi mobiwobi and welcome to the forums face-smile.png

The translator credits are maintained by hand on Transifex itself. The key "translator-credits" in the "Locale & Translators" resource is translated in each language as a list of translators. The string is marked as "reviewed" so only reviewers for the respective language and maintainers can modify it, and everyone who wants to be listed there and is not a reviewer needs to ask so we can add them. This list is then compiled into the final JSON and Lua during the next automated translation update.

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Joined: 2023-09-25, 11:34
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Posted at: 2023-09-25, 16:43

Thanks for clarifying!

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