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Topic: buildings not completing?

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Joined: 2023-09-23, 23:45
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Posted at: 2023-09-28, 23:55

not sure if this is a bug or what. happened twice with fisher huts both times, as barbs. carriers would bring three logs, and the site would be at 75% and no matter what, even if put at high prio, no logs would be brought to it, i had excess logs and roads connected to it, does anyone else experience this? do they not build it if there arent fish there or someting? it was near water but when i tried building fish huts on other coasts they worked.

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Posted at: 2023-09-29, 07:40

prettygirlswagg wrote:

not sure if this is a bug or what. happened twice with fisher huts both times, as barbs. carriers would bring three logs, and the site would be at 75% and no matter what, even if put at high prio, no logs would be brought to it, i had excess logs and roads connected to it, does anyone else experience this? do they not build it if there arent fish there or someting? it was near water but when i tried building fish huts on other coasts they worked.

Sounds unusual. You can build fisher huts everywhere, no matter if there is fish. Maybe you have told the construction site to not accept the last log by moving the marker / clicking on the arrow? Otherwise, it might be helpful if you would share a savegame with us. The problem might also be a traffic jam, which cancels transport.

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Posted at: 2023-09-29, 09:18

As WorldSavior said, it might be the case that the missing log is on its way in a big economy. To determine this we would need a savegame.
Furthermore we would need your Version of widelands and your Operating system.

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Posted at: 2023-09-30, 01:37

i dont know but i was playing on the version from itch which i think was older, it shouldnt really be a problm cause im playing on a new version now

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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2023-09-30, 03:44

I sometimes have buildings that appear to have been abandoned by the economy. If I start another building of the same type in a close area, that may be completed with the first still sitting there unfinished.

I have tried moving the priority bars in a building back and forth while holding the shift key so that all elements are moved at the same time. Sometimes this will resolve the issue reasonably quickly, as if my action woke up some ware management routine. Other times doing this appears to have no effect.

However, I have also spotted a ware close to the building turn round and go back to the warehouse just after I have played with the priority bars. Obviously I have stopped the ware from being delivered by being a tiny bit impatient.

I assume that when we initiate a building, wares are assigned but could be coming from a long way off. If there is a blockage in a road the wares may be held up for a long time. The wares for a later initiated building may come from a different source and may be unaffected by road issues.

I have also noticed that wares mined on another land mass may not be moved by ship without setting the port storage control to remove the wares. I have learned to set the warehouse or port storage priorities in the area where I want the wares. However, doing this sometimes holds the wares in that building and does not release them for use. Even if I change the priority to be 'normal', the wares may not be released. If I change the priority to remove the wares they will become available.

If a ware developer stops with a message saying the ware is not required because there is already sufficient, I have learned to search all ports and warehouses for the ware. When I find it, I mark the priority to empty the building and then the ware is released for use. Once the wares have been used, the stopped developer will resume production.

I do not have any information from our programmers about these things so please do not accept that I am definitely correct about my assumptions.

Edited: 2023-09-30, 03:54

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Posted at: 2023-09-30, 13:29

Probably a request problem... i don't know how exactly the request algorithm works, but it should work close to this:

  1. Player starts to build a building
  2. as soon the construction site is connected with the road network all wares get requested from the economy
  3. the request logic looks for free materials for this building. Wares that are on a way to a warehouses are not taken into account in this logic, only wares that are in a warehouse and just harvested wares are taken into account
  4. there is no logic "try to find the nearest free ware" (my assumption), or something like "get the ware from a warehouse which has plenty of this ware"
  5. probably a free ware is far away and need a lot of time to get to that construction site
  6. once a ware is on the way, you can't change this without manual intervention (see below)

This can lead into situations where a nearby warehouse has the needed ware for the construction site, but the request logic requests it from a far away spot nevertheless.

The priority sliders have no effect on this request logic, afaik. What one can do is to set the number of construction wares to zero and afterwards set it to max again. This will stop the initial request and starts a new request of the ware. With this new request there is a high chance that a closer ware will be delivered to the construction site and the player don't has to wait a long time. The same applies also for workers (soldiers are also workers).

See also:

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Joined: 2024-05-04, 16:59
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2024-05-04, 22:11

And... how do we avoid traffic jams ?

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Posted at: 2024-05-04, 23:23

LienRag wrote:

And... how do we avoid traffic jams ?

have you used the search function here before?

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Joined: 2024-05-04, 16:59
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2024-05-05, 00:47

Also, I'm not sure that I understand traffic jams.

Do dropsites (flags) have a maximum ?

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Posted at: 2024-05-05, 04:29

My cures for jams are: 1. build more roads (bypasses) 2. build more warehouses (much jamming comes from all the incoming goods being sent to the HQ, helps to spread it out) 3. waiting (while cursing heavily)

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