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Topic: Victory message

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Joined: 2023-10-15, 22:41
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2023-10-15, 22:55

Let me start off by saying I think Widelands is a great game! I have one small suggestion on how to better it, if you're interested. I finally managed to win a single player game yesterday, but the victory-message was a bit of an anti-climax for me. It would be more fun if it was more bombastic, with a victory-fanfare, some kind of picture showing the triumph, and maybe some details on how the game was won. You could even rank the score (in the lines of Warcraft 2).

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Posted at: 2023-10-16, 17:15

Ogg wrote:

It would be more fun if it was more bombastic, with a victory-fanfare, some kind of picture showing the triumph, and maybe some details on how the game was won. You could even rank the score (in the lines of Warcraft 2).

I think this is a great idea! Anyone volunteers for a new "game won" fanfare sound? For a "you have won image" there could be some kind of a cup? Or a laurel crown? Maybe tribe dependent: depending on which tribe the player has played another image can be shown.

Scoring is currently not available, imho.

Generally a big +1 for your idea!

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Joined: 2023-10-15, 22:41
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2023-10-16, 20:28

Thanks! Yeah, I think you understood exactly what i meant. I'm a musician with a home studio, so I can make some victory sounds and send them over to you if you're interested.

Edited: 2023-10-16, 20:29

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Posted at: 2023-10-17, 08:44

Just go on face-smile.png

Please keep in mind that the produced files have to be licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2. You can attach the sound files (format .ogg) here in the forum after you have postet 5 posts.

I can create a bug report and hopefully some of our developers will take care of it face-smile.png

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Joined: 2021-03-24, 12:44
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Posted at: 2023-10-17, 10:48

If you use a score editor or a sequencer, then please also post the music's "source" files in the spirit of the GPL. (We publish these in the widelands-media repo on launchpad.)

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Joined: 2023-10-15, 22:41
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2023-10-17, 21:31

Thanks for the info! I can export the music in the ogg. format, but the other things you mention (licensing and sharing of source codes) sound a bit too complicated for me face-confused.png

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Joined: 2021-03-24, 12:44
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Posted at: 2023-10-19, 00:51

I think we need losing sound/music and graphics too, as the interactive/local player may lose as well as win.

@Ogg: Licensing under the GPL only means that you tell us that we can use and distribute your music with the same conditions as Widelands itself: (roughly summed up:) everybody is allowed to use it any way they wish, everybody is allowed to edit it any way they wish, and everybody is allowed to distribute either the original or their own modified version, but only with the same conditions and along with the sources1, ie. allowing further modification and distribution. And of course, the original author(s) must be acknowledged. If you don't like any of that, then unfortunately your work cannot be used as part of Widelands.

  1. For recorded music, the source may be the ogg file itself (though if it's a multitrack recording, then the native format of the program used for mixing (e.g. Audacity), or flac/wav files of the separate tracks in case of analogue mixing, would be more appropriate), otherwise e.g. a midi file is almost as good as anything else. 

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Joined: 2020-03-26, 08:47
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Posted at: 2023-10-21, 08:08

I agree that the victory screen could offer a bit more sense of reward and closure. Some fireworks particle effects or something would be ok... But for me, I think I'd like some stats or analysis showing an overview of the victory.

I'm imagining something like the end-of-game screens in Civ4, where it has a sequence of stat screens - some are just standard stats that are available during normal play anyway, but some special graphs only available at the end of the game. ... I like this kind of graph at the end of a game (which is in civ games, but also AoE, apparently.)

Attachment: image/jpeg

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