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Topic: Naval Tournament 2023

Joined: 2019-01-19, 12:23
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Posted at: 2023-11-10, 16:33

Thanks Mars, i tried already all, having 17 Versions now but this Version doesnt have the changes implemented as i just discovered playing Whats the exact win 64 installer - Link

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Posted at: 2023-11-10, 17:05

the installer link is provided in #4 However the windows installer is broken due to a bug in the revision detection.
I did not have time to provide a new installer there.

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 12:23
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Posted at: 2023-11-12, 14:22

In the game versus World Saviour, there were multiple rule violations from worldsaviour:

  • We didn't finish our Game, but he counted it as a win for him

  • When loading, he loaded another savoegame to that, what we agreed

  • The Savegame he instead loaded was an old one, even older to the one we agreed and he made my sucessfull attack like it never happend. Therefore he knew exactly how many ships and soldiers where coming from which direction and could prepare on this

  • I had the impression that he was watching our replay meanwhile, because he always knew where my soldiers where

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 03:10
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Posted at: 2023-11-12, 14:52

the-x wrote:

In the game versus World Saviour, there were multiple rule violations from worldsaviour:

  • We didn't finish our Game, but he counted it as a win for him

You just ragequitted some minutes before the destruction of your last warehouse, so I don't see why it shouldn't count as a win for me. You didn't tell anything about continuing the match, then the deadline was reached...

  • When loading, he loaded another savoegame to that, what we agreed

On page 23, I posted the savegame. Everyone can see that this savegame was loaded according to the timestamp which can be seen in the replay. (1:36)

  • The Savegame he instead loaded was an old one,

It was a savegame shortly before the point where you disconnected from the game. So it was up to date.

even older to the one we agreed and he made my sucessfull attack like it never happend. Therefore he knew exactly how many ships and soldiers where coming from which direction and could prepare on this

That's just not true. EDIT: Your successfull attack destroyed 3 of my warships. That's it. You can see that this was the case in all replays (see statistics). Soldiers were not involved at all.

  • I had the impression that he was watching our replay meanwhile, because he always knew where my soldiers where

I don't see what you want to say with "meanwhile". The old replay ends at 1:38, so it can't tell me where your soldiers are at 2:00.

the-x, as your behaviour is a very drastical case of being unsportsmanlike - you also cause a lot of extra work for the organizers of the tournament and for your opponents, which isn't normal at all - you lose one Buchholz-Point as a penalty. Sorry, but I don't see a way around this. You can appeal to hessenfarmer if you think that this decision isn't fair.

Edited: 2023-11-13, 16:28

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Joined: 2020-07-11, 16:49
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Posted at: 2023-11-12, 15:15

Me and the-x will play now. The version is the one for round 3.

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Posted at: 2023-11-13, 08:01

WorldSavior wrote:

the-x, as your behaviour is a very drastical case of being unsportsmanlike - you also cause a lot of extra work for the organizers of the tournament and for your opponents, which isn't normal at all - you lose one Buchholz-Point as a penalty. Sorry, but I don't see a way around this. You can appeal to hessenfarmer if you think that this decision isn't fair.

As @the-x appealed to my by private message, here are the results of my research, which costed me another 3 unhappy hours of my currently very limited leisure time.

NONE of the provided replays shows any sign of the accusations made by the-x. All of the defense arguments of WorldSavior are supported by the replays. Furthermore he played another 4 hours after the load in question, and does come up very late with the argument that the game was not finished, whilst not having shown it was not his fault that it could not been finished can only be interpreted as the useless try to create a "rulebreaking" act of the other player with malicious intent.

Making false pubkic accusations on any other player, while failing to deliver any proof is indeed not sportsmanlike and definitly an insult. So here is my decision.

@the-x will get a penalty of one Buchholz.

Furthermore he will excuse to @WorlSavior publicly in this thread for making false accusations, otherwise he will be banned from ANY current or future Tournamant in widelands.

Additionally this is the last warning if something similar happens again in the future, he will be banned without the chance to excuse.

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 19:48
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Posted at: 2023-11-13, 08:16

Many thanks hessenfarmer!

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Joined: 2015-03-09, 21:11
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Posted at: 2023-11-13, 09:39

DE : Nein in den Vorfall mit the-x und WorldSavior möchte ich intervenieren.
Ich empfehle @hessenfarmer sehr die Buchholzpunkt Strafe gegen the-x zurückzunehmen.
Die Partie hat WorldSavior gewonnen. Ich empfehle normal weiter zu verfahren.

Die Buchholzpunkte Spalte in den Tabellen muss mal richtig formatiert werden, da stehen keine ganzen Zahlen sondern Formeln.
( )

Des weiteren empfehle den Administratoren sehr, sämtliche Posts die mit diesen Vorfall in Zusammenhang stehen, zu löschen.
Eine Auflistung der aus meiner Sicht betroffenen Post folgt unten : (the-x Seite 27) (WorldSavior Seite 27) (hessenfarmer Seite 27) (kaputtnik Seite 27) (Teayo Seite 27)

EN : No, I would like to intervent in the incident with the-x and WorldSavior.
I recommend @hessenfarmer to withdraw the Buchholz point penalty against the-x
WorldSavior won the game. I recommend continuing as normal.

The Buchholz points column in the tables needs to be formatted correctly, there are no whole numbers but formulas.
Furthermore, i strongly recommend that administrators delete all posts related to this incident.**

Das Imperium schlägt zurück ! TY

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 22:16
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Posted at: 2023-11-13, 10:06

What is your argument for recommending this.

Was ist deine Begründung für deine Empfehlung.

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Joined: 2009-03-28, 09:26
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Posted at: 2023-11-13, 10:57

Making false pubkic accusations on any other player, while failing to deliver any proof is indeed not sportsmanlike and definitly an insult. So here is my decision.

@the-x will get a penalty of one Buchholz.

Furthermore he will excuse to @WorlSavior publicly in this thread for making false accusations, otherwise he will be banned from ANY current or future Tournamant in widelands.

Additionally this is the last warning if something similar happens again in the future, he will be banned without the chance to excuse.

I agree with hessenfarmers decision:

  • a one Buchholz penalty is not that bad and will probably not change the results of the tournament. Having a forfeit in one round is much worse.
  • I remember several earlier public arguments between worldsavior and the-x and I have enough of it. That needs to end. This is not the community that I want to be part of.

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