Topic: Naval Tournament 2023
Teayo |
Posted at: 2023-11-13, 12:02
@hessenfarmer, Edited: 2023-11-13, 12:02
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the-x |
Posted at: 2023-11-13, 12:19
Also, ich bin gerne bereit mich zu entschuldigen. Lasst uns mal auf den Kern des Problems schauen, das Problem ist doch, dass nach einem Spiel mit worldsavior meist ein Eindruck verbleibt, der Eindruck ausgetrickst worden zu sein. Ob es sich nun darum dreht ein Savegame zu laden, das man zwar im Forum veröffentlicht (fair), aber dennoch einen Spielstand hat, wo er Vorteile erzielt. Hätten wir ein faires Spiel wäre das gar nicht vorgekommen. Hinzu kommen irgendwelche Tricks mit Replays, die er mir ansatzweise sagte, die ich aber super unfair finde. Auf der anderen Seite zeige ich eine super hohe Kulanz, zum Beispiel Elefentenrennen wollte von 17:45 bis 20:00 unser Spiel pausieren, um abend essen zu können, obwohl wir erst eine Stunde vorher begonnen haben. Worldsavior nutzt dann auch so kleine Tricks (offiziell sind es ja keine Cheats) aus, wir haben beispielsweise zweimal in einem Angriff geladen, wo er wusste was die nächsten Schritte von mir sind. Das war schon immer so und das stört mich einfach, dass man nach dem Spiel das Gefühl hat ausgetrickst worden zu sein. Es ist eigentlich falsch, dann noch den Spieler doppelt zu bestrafen, dem es nur um ein faires Spiel geht.
Da können sich nur beide entschuldigen. Und ich wünsche mir sehr, dass da auch von seiner Seite was kommt.
Was ist beispielsweise mit seiner Anschildigung, ich hätte rage gequittet. Das ist a) unbewiesen und b) einfach falsch. Ich habe nicht gequittet, sondern die Verbindung wurde getrennt (worldsavior war der Host) und rage ist meines erachtens eine ziemlich hohe und falsche anschuldigung, zudem unbegründet.
Habe doch genau begründet, was das Problem darstellt und zu dessen Lösung ich bereit bin und hoffe Worlssaviour auch Top Quote |
blind3rdeye |
Posted at: 2023-11-13, 12:36
I've been away for about 3 years, and this argument feels like exactly the same thing I was reading 3 years ago. It's ugly to see that kind of discussion here, but I also a bit amusing for me personally - seeing what seems like a volatile and heated argument somehow continue unchangingly for 3 years. I do hope the-x can chill a bit though; because he clearly enjoys the game and is a top-tier competitive player. It would be sad for his sake if his over-competitive lashing-out after any loss causes him to miss out on the competition and wins he so craves. At least, that's my outsider point of view. Top Quote |
WorldSavior |
Posted at: 2023-11-13, 13:41
I disagree. Round 4 is not finished yet, so in "ranking after round 4", you dont have numbers everywhere yet. Sometimes it needs to be a sum of variables. Remember, Buchholz is just the sum of the points of the opponents. Round 5 is even more unfinished. Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked Top Quote |
kaputtnik |
Posted at: 2023-11-13, 15:00
In a community sometimes things goes wrong. Misunderstanding, probably caused by different languages, and disputes are totally normal in a community. As long they don't get worse it's all fine. Fortunately we have less of those wrong things. And i agree with Teayo that the best place to solve such things are private messages. In this case the-x chooses the official forum to make his view of his game vs WorldSavior official. I didn't watched the replay, or the used save game of this match (i believe hessenfarmer's conclusions). And i think i don't need to, because from my point of view it's all clear:
I think 2 weeks is a long time to get aware that the used save game was maybe different than the accepted save game. Personally i have no meaning about the Buchholz thing. But the style the-x acts needs some penalization, especially because we have such discussions only since he joined our community. Top Quote |
hessenfarmer Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2023-11-13, 15:11
@Teayo the-x was proofed in cheating by lying in the tournament last year. He was unprepared multiple times to have the correct version this year. After the unfortunate problems in the first round with all the crashes, he claimed problems multiple times with loading savegames that were not in his favor, but nobody else had difficulties to load them with the correct version. So in terms of his records I am pretty sure he did try again to skip games that are unfavorable for him and as it did not work out it strongly seems he tried to figure out how he could manipulate us to change the thing in his favor by claiming accusations which are totally insubstantial from all what can be seen from the replays. As long as I will organise any tournament in widelands I will not tolerate this any further! In no way! @the-x Top Quote |
Teayo |
Posted at: 2023-11-13, 19:19
Sorry, I didn't know that the incomplete formatting and display of the Buchholz points was caused by the fact that the round wasn't closed yet. Top Quote |
hessenfarmer Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2023-11-13, 23:31
Whether there have been consequences on the tournament ranking or not is completely irrelevant, when it comes to the insult of accusing someone insubstantiated of cheating or any other misbehaviour. In fact in german law this is rated a crime as "defamation".
And it is not the first time that such things happpened.. And they were nearly 100% caused by the-x. Normally I appreciate any atttempt to keep everybody on board but taking into account last years tournament events which started here my patience with the behaviour of the-x as a proven liar is completly used up. So you are fighting a lost cause. The-x is solely responsible for his actions and (wrong) accusations. It is him who causes the trouble and we won't accept that any longer. Top Quote |
Nordfriese |
Posted at: 2023-11-13, 23:41
hessenfarmer's and WorldSavior's arbitral decisions are final, and anyone who still disagrees shall please keep their disagreement to themselves! Everything that matters has already been said repeatedly. End of that subject. The round 3 match between hessenfarmer and me never came to be because of his absence and my illness, and we've agreed to count it as a draw without playing. Top Quote |
the-x |
Posted at: 2023-11-14, 00:06
Ich möchte mich für eventuelle Missverständnisse entschuldigen und die Dinge die ich möglicherweise falsch ausgedrückt habe. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass die Argumentation hier zum Teil viel weiter ging und werde in Zukunft selbstverständlich auf die genaue Untersuchung von Spielen verzichten. Lasst uns in Zukunft einen guten Zusammenhalt haben, werde mich in Zukunft auf die Spiele konzentrieren und nie wieder darauf beharren im Recht zu sein. Top Quote |