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Posted at: 2024-01-20, 15:53
Oh yes, stupid me. By playing around so much with ui widgets i forgot the simple wl.ui.show_messagebox()
Many thanks!
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Posted at: 2024-01-22, 15:37
Fighting with widths again
Sorry, but every time i add a new widget i need hours to get it positioned (beside fighting with the tables at all ). I think my main problem is the default centered alignment of widgets and i can't align a widget "left" or "right" in an horizontal box. In the image below is what i have right now. In my opinion this looks a bit cluttered and want to make it look more clean (visually). That is: even space on left and right (the red bars), elements should be centered or left/right aligned, inputboxes and spinboxes should have the same width (this works, but spinbox+label is a bit difficult). Let's go from top to bottom:
All elements are in one vertical box
- Header: Is fine, should be shown centered
- Horizontal box containing a spinbox (with label) and button. Now my problem begins: The whole horizontal widget is centered, but i want the containing widgts to be left or right aligned. This is only possible when playing around with the width's of each widget. But i do not know the overall width of the window. Additionally i don't know if my assigned width will work for translations: The String of the spinbox label "New Height:" might need much more space in another language than in English. In Result the string might get a line break or isn't shown at all.
- Header, all fine
- Multilinetxetarea in vertical box: Same Problem: I can set a width but do not know the width of the window itself.
- Header, all fine
- Horizontal box with checkbox and spinbox. Same as 2.
- The rest is fine from my point of view
The red bars on left and right side show something like a padding in html/css or provided by richtext. A fixed space which can be applied to a box and shrinks the available space inside this box. No containing widget should overflow this padding. This can't be done right now, imho.
Probably i am a bit handicapped by the html/css box model and therefor have problems with the widelands UI-box-model (if one call this like that)... Additionally i tend to bite on small things, and need hours until i think my ui-layout is clean and user-friendly so sorry for asking so many questions.
Last question: There is the widget "inf_space": Only valid as the direct child of a Box. A flexible spacer. Can you explain "flexible spacer" ?
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Posted at: 2024-01-22, 16:04
inf_space is exactly what you need for alignment: left aligned element + inf_space + right aligned element should do it. Multiline text area can be resizing=expandboth (auto height – can be tricky if you have other flexible height elements) or resizing=fullsize (fixed height) to fill the width (when in a vertical box). I think. And these UI elements always play some unexpected tricks on you... (not sure about the exact syntax above, I'm speaking from my C++ experience)
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Posted at: 2024-01-22, 16:42
tothxa wrote:
inf_space is exactly what you need for alignment: left aligned element + inf_space + right aligned element should do it.
Yes, that's how i understand it. But in a box with orientation horizontal you can't align left or right . You can just align top or bottom .
Anyway if one wants to play around with my problems, here's the addon. Works nicely, imho. Just place some mountain terrains on a plain map and use the addons options. It should work also without the ui-plugins branch.
I guess it contains several space widgets without any functionality
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Posted at: 2024-01-22, 16:48
Sorry, not working version, as ever i forgot to add a comma...
This should work.
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Posted at: 2024-01-22, 17:10
kaputtnik wrote:
inf_space is exactly what you need for alignment: left aligned element + inf_space + right aligned element should do it.
Yes, that's how i understand it. But in a box with orientation horizontal you can't align left or right . You can just align top or bottom .
I meant they will become left and right aligned because the inf space will (is supposed to) push them apart. Those elements should have resizing=align (the default) themselves.
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Posted at: 2024-01-22, 17:30
Thanks but it does not work for me, see image.
The code snippet:
widget = "box",
name = "row1",
orientation = "horizontal",
children = {
widget = "spinbox",
name = "set_height_spinbox",
w = base_width + 50,
unit_w = spinb_w,
resizing = "align",
label = _("New Height:"),
value = 10,
min = 0,
max = 60,
widget = "button",
name = "set_height_button",
--w = base_width,
resizing = "align",
title = _("Set Height"),
on_click = [[ include("addons/editor_height_tools.wad/auto_height.lua") set_height() ]],
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Posted at: 2024-01-22, 17:40
The box itself needs to have resizing="fullsize" to expand it across the entire width of the parent vbox, otherwise it shrinks itself to the minimum width required to accommodate its content.
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Posted at: 2024-01-22, 19:02
Nordfriese wrote:
The box itself needs to have resizing="fullsize" to expand it across the entire width of the parent vbox, otherwise it shrinks itself to the minimum width required to accommodate its content.
Many thanks! Now it looks a little bit better! Not optimal either, but i think proving such data in a good UI is difficult at all.
You made my day!
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