Topic: Geometry

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Joined: 2024-05-04, 16:59
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2024-05-08, 13:35

Hi all.

I really don't understand Wideland's geometry.

Once I fgured that all buildings plant their flags on the East-South yellow flag, I tried to build roads going from the southwest to the northeast, so as to be able to plant a all buildings on its west directly on the road.

But when I do that, I can only plant a few buildings, a lot of them decide to have weird paths to get to the road.

I read somewhere else that it's better to have horizontal roads, so I tried that too, but I can't find the right spacing for the roads, whatever I try has unexpected consequences (spaces disappearing, some buildings having quite simple roads behind the first line of buildings, other having absolutely weird roads which waste a lot of space,...).

Is there a clear diagram somewhere which explains the logic clearly ?

I can't plan efficiently if I don't understand at all what I'm doing...

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Posted at: 2024-05-08, 13:53

Here is a description of our geometry.
Note that roads always need a minimum length of 2. by this placing a flag does automatically block setting another flag on its adjacent nodes.

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Posted at: 2024-05-08, 13:55

Make sure you have the Buildhelp switched on so you can see which building plots can hold which sizes of buildings.

Flags can be built anywhere except on unreachable terrain (lava, water, etc) but have to be at least 2 nodes apart. Since every building has to have a flag to its south-east you can't build a building if any neighbour of the south-east node already contains a flag.

Building plot sizes also depend on the map's slope:

You can place a medium building on any node where there is a slope no greater than 1 in the south-east direction and its height difference to all nodes in a radius of 2 is no greater than 2.

You can place a big building on any node where you could place a medium building if there is no obstacle or non-arable terrain towards the west, northwest and northeast.

(from the editor encyclopedia help)

On fields where any of the adjacent slopes has a steepness of 3, only small buildings can be built. On fields where any of the adjacent slopes has a steepness of 4, no buildings can be built.

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Joined: 2024-05-04, 16:59
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2024-05-08, 14:06

Thanks, the Vertice link was useful.

Is there a way to view the vertices ?

With the space tab I can view the yellow flags and the allowed building shapes, but I'm still uneasy to understand what will happen when I place one building.

Is the right solution to place the flags for the buildings first, so as to see what is possible ?

Also, are there known road shapes for desired buildings (I mean, in terrain where all buildings are possible because it's flat enough) ?

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2024-05-08, 18:50

If there is enough space you can place straight roads diagonal. But on most maps you don't have enough space for doing so. And for the most games it does not really matter, just try to keep some big building plots, but this is also not really relevant, imho.

Instead of asking so many questions, you should just play.... learning by doing face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2024-05-08, 20:31

I'd like to add that any attempts to build "neatly" in widelands will fail. I tried and I've accepted that it's gonna be messy. :- ) Neatly planned cities like Washington D.C. are just not in the cards in WL. I embrace the chaos now. ;- )

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