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Topic: buildings not completing?

Joined: 2024-05-04, 16:59
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2024-05-14, 06:11

> *Nordfriese wrote:*
> This feature is new in Widelands v1.2 so in case you're using an older version it is not present there yet.

Indeed I have v1.1.

> *mxb2001 wrote:*
> Oh that's normal. The only remedy I've read is to always have 5 roads leading in all directions from the HQ and every WH so that there is maximum capacity for the flow of goods in and out of these hubs. Oh and of course make dead sure to have the extra carriers (horses, oxen, tapirs, donkeys, etc.) available in sufficient numbers.

Well, if that's normal then I don't understand at all how warehouses/ports/headquarters work...

A traffic jam leading to them, yes, I can understand, but once the wares reach the warehouse, shouldn't they be picked by the warehouse worker and stored inside ?

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Posted at: 2024-05-14, 10:08

The wares in front of the warehouse are not necessarily headed to the warehouse. They may be heading to a completely unrelated destination, and sending them directly past the warehouse could be the shortest route. Placing warehouses too centrally is a common mistake, and building lots of bypass roads is advised.

Wares headed to a warehouse are not dropped of on its flag, instead the carrier taking them along the last road will go one step further and take the ware all the way into the warehouse. This is the same for all buildings.

The warehouse flag may however receive additional congestion from new wares being brought out of the warehouse, which the warehouse's workers do just drop out on the flag.

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Posted at: 2024-05-14, 16:45

Nordfriese wrote: Placing warehouses too centrally is a common mistake, and building lots of bypass roads is advised.

Oooh, that's a great tip. It had not occurred to me. I guess in general more roads mean more capacity so I shouldn't try to "save" space by not making too many roads.

I did however figure out the trick of making parallel roads to reduce traffic.

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Posted at: 2024-05-14, 17:44

Since the widelands economy requests wares from probably far away production sites, in my opinion building warehouses can be neglected. If Economy districts get merged my opinion might change. Until then, and in the past, i build warehouses only on big maps without seafaring, so only with a big distance and no ports. On smaller maps it's mostly not needed. Maybe that's the reason why my ranking in tournaments wasn't really good in the past face-grin.png

I think the economy which works without too much storing wares in warehouses is the goal to reach. The produced ware which will be used immediately to produce another ware is the best ware, imho. Warehouses acts like a buffer, for the situation where one doesn't notice a mine runs out or similar. Then it's good to have some wares in the warehouse until the next mine is built and running. But one shouldn't produce a ware "just to store it" face-wink.png

BTW: The AI do build too much warehouses too early imho.

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Joined: 2019-05-20, 18:49
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Posted at: 2024-05-15, 22:05

Indeed. That's the JIT economic principle. ;- ) Did I fool anyone into thinking I knew anything about business? I don't. <grin> But JIT does stand for Just In Time production of stuff. I did hear about it and it seems to be the ideal in business. Build X only when it is needed. Well just before it is needed. Heh.

Oddly enough it has been a BAD idea when playing WL. Most of my improvements in playing WL came from abandoning JIT. It doesn't seem to work AT ALL. So now I try the opposite. Stockpile like a raving mad Beaver. Works much better.

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