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Topic: Move expert worker automatically

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Joined: Yesterday 09:33
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Posted at: Yesterday 09:41

It happens a lot of times that a building is stuck with "Expert missing" while next door there are suitable workers. Especially with Barbarians and the Empire, when I upgrade the mines I end up with non-functioning ones until I realize it and then dismiss some Chief/Master miners from other mines.

I understand that Widelands is about managing an economy, but this is an often frustrating micromanagement. I build the necessary advanced buildings and they don't work and I need to hunt for another building to move one of its worker over.

So, my suggestion is that if an expert is missing from a building:

  • check if a suitable worker is available in another building that can be swapped to a new worker
  • send a new worker to that building
  • then send the (now free) expert to the building that needs that expert
Edited: Yesterday 11:11

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Joined: 2019-05-20, 17:49
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Posted at: Yesterday 17:29

I can live with the micromanagement myself but what bugs me is that

  1. It happens silently (yeah I know there's a balance with having an alarm everytime some building stops working for whatever reason...)
  2. Sometimes it seems when you kick them out they go RIGHT BACK. Or was that changed recently?

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