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Topic: What IDE or editor do you use?
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Joined: 2024-11-12, 19:48
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Pry about Widelands
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Posted at: 2024-11-12, 21:24

As a novice C++ developer I thought it would be a good idea to learn what you use as a coding environment. I don't want to pay for CLion, and it's not free to use for open source unfortunately not even planned. I'm curious what you use even if it's CLion, and what you would recommend for someone who does not want to spend 99€ per year on IDE license for hobby project. For making a tiny feature I just used vim accompanied by command line tools like find to search/navigate. But now that I may start on a larger feature I think it would be useful to use an IDE...

So what do you use?

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Posted at: 2024-11-12, 21:44

I exclusively use a graphical plaintext editor plus command line. Pluma for the win face-smile.png

In the past I used Netbeans a lot. It's mainly aimed at Java, but has support for C++ and a number of other languages as well. Code::Blocks is also a C++ IDE that I used to use and remember favourably.

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Joined: 2021-03-24, 12:44
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One Elder of Players
Posted at: 2024-11-12, 23:41

nvi1, rgrep and screen face-smile.png

  1. The original BSD vi as packaged in Debian 

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2024-11-14, 20:27

I use notepad++ on windows as editor, tortoise Git graphical user interface for Versioning and the MSYS Mingw building environment

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Joined: 2024-11-12, 19:48
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Pry about Widelands
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Posted at: 2024-11-14, 20:36

Thanks for sharing. As a developer by trade (C# mostly) I've gotten used to the conveniences of using IDE's. I've decided to give Qt Creator a go for C++ since it seems to be quite familiar from other IDE's. It has a lot of nice features to navigate and figure out how the code is put together. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to pick up on errors while editing, and you still have to run ./ -a && ./widelands to compile and run

Edited: 2024-11-14, 20:37

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