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Topic: 1.2.1

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Joined: 2019-05-20, 18:49
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Posted at: 2024-11-17, 20:16

I see it is out. Nice. Alas I choose not to install it since flatpak now wants to install the 24 runtime for it. I'm no longer "bleeding edge". I'm old and have bled enough (to quote another oldster who I am shamelessly cribbing from).

Eventually my other flatpaks will also need rt24 and then the time will be right.

I've already got 2 rt's the old 20 and the 23. 20 I need to keep for the old 1.14 wesnoth so a third seems too much at this time.

Sigh... I should really not be using flatpaks like this of course. They're meant for NEW stuff. Oh well I'm working (slowly) on getting it sorted out. Really gonna have to learn how to compile those old versions... hmmm that may lead to complications about missing old libs. Great... oh well. Back to sleep.


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Posted at: 2024-11-17, 20:47

Really gonna have to learn how to compile those old versions

Well, if you don't like external dependencies, we also provide AppImages. Those only require FUSE and OpenGL as the only external libraries and are otherwise standalone binaries that contain all required libraries, data files, etc, and run on just about every x86_64 Linux system.
(just download, make it executable with chmod +x Widelands-1.2.1-x86_64.AppImage, and run it with ./Widelands-1.2.1-x86_64.AppImage)

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Joined: 2021-03-24, 12:44
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Posted at: 2024-11-17, 22:33

Sorry about the runtime bump. I figured it shouldn't be a big deal, and maybe even preferred by some. (at least the flathub admins face-wink.png ) Though I don't think it's "bleeding edge". After all it's the yearly stable release, not even completely fresh by now.

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Joined: 2019-05-20, 18:49
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Posted at: 2024-11-18, 21:55

Yeah the runtime's no big deal to me. Just the first time I'm seeing it as none of the others need it yet. Since WL is only going up by .1 it doesn't seem worth the extra disk space by itself.

Now the AppImage that I like! Can't help but appeal to an old MS/DOS user. One nice exe file that you just run. Sweet!

To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

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