Topic: Building plots

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Posted at: 2024-12-13, 11:57

it would be nice if there was a different overlay that simply showed you the maximum plots on the map without you needing to capture the land first or to check if you have a large plot under one of your buildings you missed because it was a medium plot on your border and you put a tower on it to expand or something. the empire 3 mission made this lack of feature dreadfully apparent as i didn't even know they game has you build an outpost automatically as a quest on one of the 2 large plots on the starting island, and thats absolutely evil you won't even realize until you delete your roads there either.

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Posted at: 2024-12-14, 13:58

Archaon_Ever_Salty wrote:

it would be nice if there was a different overlay that simply showed you the maximum plots on the map without you needing to capture the land first or to check if you have a large plot under one of your buildings you missed because it was a medium plot on your border


It frustrates me that one sometimes needs to demolish a medium or small building to check whether it is taking up or blocking a large plot. I can see the land so I should be able to know the underlying geography.

I do not think we should be told the maximum plots for the entire map, but for land that we have explored.

I can understand the game should not show land plots sizes outside the explored area, but should do so for land that is or has been visible. Perhaps use a coloured '?' for the plots near the limits of visibility where there has been insufficient exploration to be sure what the space is, instead of the coloured flag. Areas that have been explored but are not visible should still show the plot sizes because we have explored them so we do know the geography.
Scouts: land explored by a scout should also have these plot size flags. That would usefully enhance the value of scouts, even if much of the initial exploration just showed coloured '?' markers.
Ships: Ditto for ships that sail round an island and give us an idea of what can be built on the coastline. And port plots should be highlighted too; these currently disappear when the exploring ship sails away.
'Lost people': people that wander around lost when buildings / roads are destroyed. I think they should not be gathering this intelligence as the run around panicking, although they still expand what has been seen. That prevents using that as a cheap scouting technique, while still providing their current "I think I saw a building and some woods" level of knowledge.

When the fog of war is turned off in the game settings, then the plot size icons would be shown for the entire map from the start, since the entire map is visible.

Not being able to determine the plot size of a piece of land we can see, without demolishing buildings, removing roads or wastefully clearing it of resources, 'feels' wrong.

A key or display option that:
- turns off the normal flags that show what can be built in the current circumstances (just as the SPACE key does), and
- puts a coloured flag everywhere that a building could be erected if the land was cleared, with a coloured '?' if there is insufficient explored data to be sure that nothing larger could be built, and
- display these markers OVER existing buildings.
- Unexplored areas would have no icon displayed on them.
- Mountain areas could either have nothing, or a marker to say where a mine could have been built.

Implementation idea...
Perhaps pressing SPACE could go through all three states in a cycle:
1. turn off all flags
2. turn on build site size icons
3. turn off build size icons and turn back on the What You Can Really Build Now flags
4. cycles back to 1.

Using the SPACE key for this would mean not require adding another keyboard shortcut to learn, and SPACE already means "Show me the flags" so feels like the right place for this function anyway.

Upsides and Downsides...
↑ Reduced frustration. ↓ Changes to how we play now because more information is readily available.
↑ Knowing where to attack based on what land is worth fighting for. ↓ Defenders may be slightly more vulnerable because someone wanting their land can see what the most valuable patches are and what military buildings they could build on your land.
↑ Scouts become more valuable over time as they fill out more of the map and so will be used more. ↓ Defenders may realise an attack is coming because foreign scouts will start appearing.
↑ Towers (buildings that see further than they conquer) will become more valuable. ↓ Planning secure expansion will get more fiddly; do I want visibility or strength?
↑ Being able to choose between visibility or strength or the cost of doing both will add to the strategic gameplay. ↓ More micromanagement of soldier development and movement.
↑ Increasing visibility increases the economic and defensive aspects of the game. ↓ "But I wanna play a war game!"
↑ Expansion will be more targeted and efficient and therefore faster. ↓ Gameplay will change as opponents will be expanding faster.
↑ Site use will be more efficient and easier. ↓ More micromanagement?
↑ More fun and in-depth engagement from planning how the economy is going to grow and expand over time. ↓ Harder for newbies to defend against smart experienced players.
↑ Defeating the AI will be easier. ↓ Trying to adapt the AI to also utilise this extra information would be a huge task.

Edited: 2024-12-14, 14:09

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Posted at: 2025-01-06, 09:20

Patriciabin6 wrote: [ a random selection of quoted text ] *** link removed ***

That has got to be spam, or something worse. A new account, only one post, and it is to a web site where the domain was only registered 2 days ago.

How do we flag posts or accounts for review / removal? @kaputtnik is that something you do?

Edited: 2025-01-06, 09:23

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Posted at: 2025-01-06, 09:57

SandJ wrote:

Patriciabin6 wrote: [ a random selection of quoted text ] *** link removed ***

That has got to be spam, or something worse. A new account, only one post, and it is to a web site where the domain was only registered 2 days ago.

Which user face-grin.png

How do we flag posts or accounts for review / removal? @kaputtnik is that something you do?

We have some automatic spam detection, but sometimes it fails. Cleaning the forum from such posts is done by some people… It is not needed, and also not wanted, to quote or answer such spam, because finding them will be a bit harder then.

Thanks anyway for your hint face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2025-01-06, 19:45

We have some automatic spam detection, but sometimes it fails. Cleaning the forum from such posts is done by some people… It is not needed, and also not wanted, to quote or answer such spam, because finding them will be a bit harder then.

Thanks anyway for your hint face-smile.png

Thanks for being aware of such issues. In the future you might just write a PM to me, kapuutnik or Nordfriese to get such issues solved.

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Posted at: 2025-01-07, 04:39

Archaon_Ever_Salty wrote:

it would be nice if there was a different overlay that simply showed you the maximum plots on the map without you needing to capture the land first or to check if you have a large plot under one of your buildings you missed because it was a medium plot on your border.....

If I have understood this post correctly I think you have missed the point of expansion, which is to explore and eventually crush your enemy under your heel. Careful land management is just as needed as care resource/people management. Having a border that shows a medium building plot which in reality is actually a large one sometimes id frustrating, but the easy way to solve this is simple, Expand! even if you have to build a tower to do so, and you later need to dismantle it, the tower has already served its purpose by expanding your border thus giving you access to more building potential. As to seeing plots beyond your borders , what would be the meaning fog of war ? In the maps I have created, the only hint I often give is 'Explore,expand & conquer'. I find it the easiest way to find what you need.

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Posted at: 2025-01-07, 09:56

Ron_of_Nord wrote:

As to seeing plots beyond your borders , what would be the meaning fog of war ?

tl;dr: To keep unknown lands unknown, and to hide the detail of distant lands that have been visited, but not hide its geography. You can be confident the hills and vales you have seen will always be there.

The fog of war hides temporary data but could retain permanent information so you have limited but useful knowledge of the explored area beyond one's border. That is, you got a glimpse of the trees, foreign buildings and so on - which can no longer be relied upon - but the underlying geography will never change. One sends a scout ahead to see if there are potential ambush points, not to learn if there was an ambush when the scout visited the area.

General: "So, what did you see?"
Scout: "There is a wide flat valley suitable for farms plus mountains either side with narrow passes."
General: "Anything else?"
Scout: "They had some small workshops and there were still plenty of wooded areas..."
General: "That was then. The trees have probably gone and the buildings we will replace anyway! What I need to know is the lay of the land."
Scout: "The valley could definitely take farms and castles on it, and the mountain passes could accommodate occasional watchtowers at the entrance, but I did not see further than that".
Ship's Captain: "Sir, I passed that area recently. There is potential for a port at what I think is the other end of that valley (I think I remember they only had some fishing huts there as I passed). Maybe we could start a naval assault from that side."
General: "Thank you both. That's all I need to know to plan our expansion."
Miner: "Any idea what's in the mountains, or on the other side?"
General: "We won't know that until we get there."

Sorry for the long post. I could not think how else to describe it.

Edited: 2025-01-07, 10:05

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Posted at: 2025-01-08, 05:44

I get you're point about the geography, and as you say buildings, rocks and trees can be removed but there are a lot of games around where the fog of war obscures the geography after a short time, and I have found that to be sometimes annoying yet that is also half the fun, finding out whats beyond your current visual range and coping with what is there when you move into a darkened area. Yes the geography doesn't change, but the situation can.

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Posted at: 2025-02-21, 22:31

The Discussion about this Suggestion is currently still open .

Summary of Anarchy_ever_Salty's Suggestion :

Add a second building plot space icon layer that is shown by Pressing KEY and shows the size of building plot spaces pending on terrain and height of the map .

Ignoring World Immovables, like Rocks and Trees that can block this building plot space .

This layer already exist in Map Editor but Anarchy_ever_Salty want this layer also for active games .

The currently building plot space icon layer shows only aviable building plot spaces that in own territory and have free space , no Trees or Rocks block the plot .

+1 - Support Suggestion -1 - Reject Suggestion
Anarchy_ever_Salty Teayo
SandJ Ron_of_Nord

Someone changed his mind ? Anyone else ? I think Nordfriese, hessenfarmer and kaputtnik would reject this Suggestion . True ?

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Posted at: 2025-02-22, 09:35

Ron_of_Nord wrote:

I get you're point about the geography, and as you say buildings, rocks and trees can be removed but there are a lot of games around where the fog of war obscures the geography after a short time, and I have found that to be sometimes annoying yet that is also half the fun, finding out whats beyond your current visual range and coping with what is there when you move into a darkened area. Yes the geography doesn't change, but the situation can.

I agree, exploring is one of the interesting parts.

SandJ wrote:

It frustrates me that one sometimes needs to demolish a medium or small building to check whether it is taking up or blocking a large plot.

Yes this can be annoying, but running into this situation is very seldom and appears only on maps where big building plots are rare. On the other side this can also be seen as a challenge and probably wanted by the maps author, e.g. see the map Dolomites. If you know where the big building plots are, i think this map loose some of the authors intention.

Edited: 2025-02-22, 11:36

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