Topic: Sumatrans Tribe


Joined: 2010-05-06, 07:51
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Posted at: 2024-12-20, 16:35

When Sumatrans word is ON - it appear error while attempt to play with European tribe addon - see screenshot in attachment.

Attachment: image/png
Снимок экрана от 2024-12-20 18-27-07.png

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Posted at: 2024-12-20, 21:17

But rubber tree does not have attribute "rubber_tree_mature" and Amazons are working fine. This is probably a special attribute of the Europeans. You can try moving the Sumatran add-ons under the European add-on. But in this case the Sumatran tribe will probably not work properly, because I am also adding special attributes to the tropical trees. It should not crash but Sumatran woodcutters will probably not harvest the 3 types of tropical trees, not able to recognize them. In this case, the European tribe would need to add the Sumatran attributes. I can add the European attribute in the next update, in January probably. I did not install the European add-on, so I really do not have any idea what attributes is this tribe using. So till the next update, the tribes seem not to be compatible. Thank you, for letting me know.

Edited: 2024-12-20, 21:19

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Posted at: 2024-12-20, 22:10

Yes, I added a special attribute to the mature rubber trees so that my lumberjacks can also produce rubber from mature trees before cutting down the old trees. If I only use the old trees, the rubber production is to small because the trees are cut down for the production of logs before the rubber is extracted.

Edited: 2024-12-20, 22:10

My widelands addons:

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Posted at: 2024-12-21, 00:29

mxb2001 wrote:

Yeah in my third game now (they froze in Antartica, surrendered) in the more hospitable Borneo (regular version this time) and basically you need to watch 3 buildings for training: Hunter's Tent for Hunter -> Chief Hunter, Weaving Mill for Weaver -> Dressmaker & Basic Workshop for Craftsman -> Experienced Craftsman. You don't start with the levelled up ones (or not enough) so you gotta train these 3. Ooops. 4. Also the Coppersmith's for the Coppersmith -> Armoursmith.

Not sure I remember right but are the level ups help files supposed to have a link to the lower version so that you don't have to guess which it is? They seem to be there the other way which is useless. If I need a Dressmaker and I look it up how do I find the name of the Weaver? It's not in the Dressmaker help file. But the Weaver file tells me all about the Dressmaker which is pointless. If I knew it was the Weaver the Dressmaker came from...... Catch 22. Ditto for Armoursmith although that one's not hard to guess.

PR to fix the help is up on GH.

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Posted at: 2024-12-21, 04:59

OIPUN wrote:

mxb2001 wrote:

Sumatrans not only have weaker soldiers (graph rates them 30 vs 45 for others (except one that's 40 Empire? Atlantean?)) but they were difficult to train, I think because of meal shortages (hard to rectify with little space!) although I was starting to build food on my Borneo colonies.

Sumatrans soldiers are not weak. The weakest soldiers are Barbarians and then Empire. Sumatrans are somewhere in the middle. As for the graph, you probably saw 40 vs 45 not 30 vs 45 and that is because while playing HQ, Sumatrans were starting with 40 warriors only and most of the other tribes starts with 45. But that is newly changed in the 2.0.0 version. As I wrote that I had changed the starting conditions a little bit, this is one of the changes. Sumatran HQ has also 45 warriors at the beginning of a new game now.

Ah, thanks for explaining how that graph works. Guess it gives 1 point per soldier. Adds all the training levels (1 point each probably).

I also seem to have assumed the graph weighted each tribe's soldiers differently but that's not the case then.

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Posted at: 2024-12-22, 10:15

A new version 2.0.1 of Sumatran world uploaded. Collision with Europeans solved by adding European program and attributes to the rubber tree. Removed tropical trees changed to display European immovable help properly. Dead tree 7 changed.

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Posted at: 2024-12-23, 20:50

OIPUN wrote:

A new version 2.0.1 of Sumatran world uploaded. Collision with Europeans solved by adding European program and attributes to the rubber tree. Removed tropical trees changed to display European immovable help properly. Dead tree 7 changed.

Thanks, this seems to have worked. Trying out them Europeans now. Very different which is cool. The more tribes the merrier I say.

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Posted at: 2024-12-28, 22:05

Change request : immovable "palm leaves" from size small to size none
Request reason : Street building collision

Wiki : Sumatrans Wares

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Posted at: 2024-12-29, 11:45

Teayo wrote:

Change request : immovable "palm leaves" from size small to size none
Request reason : Street building collision

The problem with size reduction of palm leaves is, that I usually play with visible building spaces. I think all of us do. And when are the building spaces visible and size of palm leaves is none, the icons cover the immovable and you are not able to see it. And when you build new roads quickly, you happen to destroy the immovable without even knowing that there was one. Which from my point of view is bigger problem than that the place is blocked for 4 minutes. Building a leaf gatherer's hut is solving this issue completely. And at the beginning of a game, when you need to expand quickly, you also have leaves shortages. So you have to wait till the immovable is collected anyway. When you are training many new soldiers, your palm leaves consumption is also very high and you need to know where the uncollected leaves are. I played many games and do not see this as an issue any more. I was always able to expand my territory quickly and seeing the immovable is important for you.

Wiki : Sumatrans Wares

Thank you for the wiki. I didn't know that some information about the tribe are already available on the web page. I think most of the info should not change anymore. I see the tribe as being really well balanced. The only thing that should change for sure is graphics but that may take some time as my work on the tribe is not that intense now.

Edited: 2024-12-29, 11:48

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Posted at: 2024-12-29, 18:41

Starting to get the hang of these dudes. Important to start training hunters early since you start with no chief hunters and you will likely need 3 (2 for hunter's house - "free" source of skins) plus the hunting camp where you get more skins + training but at a high cost. Also must train a craftsman quick since you start with one and he's probably going to the tool workshop and you'll need one more for spear making at weapons workshop. The last one you need is the weaver since you'll need a dressmaker for those precious crocodile jackets and you don't start with a dressmaker. So you need to plan ahead a lot with buildings you might not actually need themselves, but will need the experience.

These guys eat green spaces like crazy. Early on you need 3 for cassava plantations (you start with 3 experienced planters, use them all), chicken farm, weaving mill (?), jungle marsh (name could be improved but I can't think of anything better) or two (you're gonna need a lotta crocs!) and of course later on 2 more for the training spots. [playing on Borneo again and the starting areas are pretty constricting]

Wood needs seem rather low compared to other tribes. One jungle preserver is often enough for trop. wood and palm planters you pretty much set up in every cassava plantation/leaf gatherer/woodcutter/palm planter combo. Winery as I posted earlier you can easily get away with one and it will work even where there is a cutter without noticeable interference. Charcoal is a pretty good choice for them too.

Water though. Whew. Good thing these guys don't use wells. They go through water like mad. Oh... yeah they're DEAD MEAT on a map without open water bodies... no way you could play them on such a map. Well they are an island people after all. ; )

Kitchen placement is also something that seems critical. The kitchen is the beating heart of this tribe. It consumes a vast array of goods and transport of all that is gonna matter. It pretty much also needs the cassava kitchen & chicken farm to be next door to it. The leaves, meat/fish & water you won't have as much freedom to place close. Close to the water though seems to be a good idea for all the food industry. The metal industry could go inland.

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