Topic: Map uploading

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Posted at: 2025-02-11, 06:33

I am sorry if I sound like an idiot here but I am slightly confused. After reading a lot of posts regarding map uploads I am admittedly a little lost. What is the prefered upload method ? Via the add-on manager or via the map editor publish function ? I am in the process of tidying up a lot of my maps to finally upload them for others to enjoy, I want to ensure I understand the correct way so I don't make a fool of myself. As none of the maps I want to publish require any add-on, they are just 'One World' maps of various difficilty, they dont have any real needs beyond what widelands has as standard. A pointer in the right direction would be appreciated.

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Posted at: 2025-02-11, 10:30

Ron_of_Nord wrote:

I am sorry if I sound like an idiot here but I am slightly confused. After reading a lot of posts regarding map uploads I am admittedly a little lost.

Don't need to say sorry !

What is the prefered upload method ? Via the add-on manager or via the map editor publish function ?

It depends: The map editor publish function was added to make map upload as easy as it could be. But the resulting add-on will contain only one map (the map currently open in the editor). In your case …

I am in the process of tidying up a lot of my maps to finally upload them for others to enjoy,

… you have to use the add-on manager. With the add-on manager you can bundle several maps into one add-on.

Feel free to ask if there are any questions left or if you have trouble to use the add-on manager face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2025-02-11, 12:04

The only rule for uploading maps which I could find is on this website (printscreen attached, there is a link with info about directories too) and it makes sense to follow it. Especially when you have a lot of maps, the best way how to publish them is to create a new add-on via Packager. Such an add-on can easily accommodate 30-50 maps. You can upload the best maps as solo maps here on the website too, for people, who don't want to download the whole add-on.

Upload of an add-on doesn't have to be that easy as described in instructions, but you can learn by doing. I made myself also look stupid, when I was trying to publish my first add-ons... I will write some more tips here that should help you now, if there are still some problems, you can ask a more specific question later.

I tested the Packager right now because I am not usually using it, as the Packager. in 1.0 was not fully automatized I've learned to do it manually by copying and modifying already existing add-ons, but in 1.2.1 the Packager seams to be fully automatic. Once the new add-on is created, you can find it in the directory with your add-ons and open its "addon" file, if you want to do some manual changes (replacing sync_safe="false" with sync_safe="true" should be ok, as maps usually do not cause any desynchronization, simple notepad should be fine for that). For uploading an add-on from Windows, you may need 1.3 version. If you still don't use it, you can download the current version here . The upload is done via Main menu → Add-Ons → Tab Development again.

Edited: 2025-02-11, 12:16

Attachment: image/png
Snímek obrazovky 2025-02-11 113817.png

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Posted at: 2025-02-11, 12:42

OIPUN wrote:

The only rule for uploading maps which I could find is on this website (printscreen attached, there is a link with info about directories too) and it makes sense to follow it.

Please do not make it more complicated as it is. Ron_of_Nord asked about publishing as add-on, so there is no need to add another possibility.

Upload of an add-on doesn't have to be that easy as described in instructions, but you can learn by doing. I made myself also look stupid, when I was trying to publish my first add-ons... I will write some more tips here that should help you now, if there are still some problems, you can ask a more specific question later.


I tested the Packager right now because I am not usually using it, as the Packager. in 1.0 was not fully automatized I've learned to do it manually by copying and modifying already existing add-ons, but in 1.2.1 the Packager seams to be fully automatic. Once the new add-on is created, you can find it in the directory with your add-ons and open its "addon" file, if you want to do some manual changes (replacing sync_safe="false" with sync_safe="true" should be ok, as maps usually do not cause any desynchronization, simple notepad should be fine for that).

No, that's not ok and this option (sync_safe) will be set to false after upload, because a map may contain scripts. This option will be set only to true after the add-on is checked by a maintainer. Please again: Don't make it much more complicated as it already is. There is absolutely no need to edit any file when using the add-on packager.

For uploading an add-on from Windows, you may need 1.3 version. If you still don't use it, you can download the current version here . The upload is done via Main menu → Add-Ons → Tab Development again.

Is uploading an add-on broken with the latest stable widelands version of 1.2 using windows? I guess you meant 1.2 version instead of 1.3 (which will be the upcoming official release some when)?

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Posted at: 2025-02-11, 13:28

kaputtnik wrote:

OIPUN wrote: I tested the Packager right now because I am not usually using it, as the Packager. in 1.0 was not fully automatized I've learned to do it manually by copying and modifying already existing add-ons, but in 1.2.1 the Packager seams to be fully automatic. Once the new add-on is created, you can find it in the directory with your add-ons and open its "addon" file, if you want to do some manual changes (replacing sync_safe="false" with sync_safe="true" should be ok, as maps usually do not cause any desynchronization, simple notepad should be fine for that).

No, that's not ok and this option (sync_safe) will be set to false after upload, because a map may contain scripts. This option will be set only to true after the add-on is checked by a maintainer. Please again: Don't make it much more complicated as it already is. There is absolutely no need to edit any file when using the add-on packager.

Well I didn't write he should do that, I just let him know, that there is such an option. His maps will contain no script as he wrote, he has just simple maps. I know this should be check by a maintainer. It can be checked regardless if there is true or false by upload. I am definitely not doing it any way more complicated.

For uploading an add-on from Windows, you may need 1.3 version. If you still don't use it, you can download the current version here . The upload is done via Main menu → Add-Ons → Tab Development again.

Is uploading an add-on broken with the latest stable widelands version of 1.2 using windows? I guess you meant 1.2 version instead of 1.3 (which will be the upcoming official release some when)?

No, I didn't mean 1.2, I meant 1.3. In 1.2, there is the problem with file paths.

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Posted at: 2025-02-12, 02:32

Thanks all the notes. I'll have another read through them when I finish work today, and probably do a test probably saturday when I have more time,with 2 or 3 maps. I'll use the add-on package manager for that. I'll also have a play with the editors publish function to see how that goes.
Leave it with me, if I run into problems, I'll ask.
As usual, great work guys...

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Posted at: 2025-02-18, 23:13

I finally have this figured out. I have already uploaded 'Twisted paths' as an add-on. I'll try uploading the next map via upload-map on this site and see what works best for me. Thanks folks, seems like I'll have a lot to do next weekend.

The aussies are coming, ya ho! ya ho!

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