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Topic: only 1 of 16 cores used

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Joined: Yesterday 17:39
Posts: 10
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: Yesterday 18:13

Hello, i have a 16 core ryzen but widelands uses only 1 of those cores. I red in one forumtread that Widelands does not set single or multi core itself how can i make my computer use multicore for widelands?

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: Yesterday 18:30

that info is probably outdated. Widelands 1.1 and newer always uses 2 threads, one for the user interface and one for the game logic.

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Joined: Yesterday 17:39
Posts: 10
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: Yesterday 18:33

Ok, well, the thread ruling the gamelogic hits the roof and slows down very much. i play an 400 x 400 game. Maybe i have to reset some effects. thank you.

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: Yesterday 18:35

Hello Crisis,
welcome to our forums. Especially for such questions it would be of great help if you would add some information about the OS you are using and the version of widelands.

How did you obtain the info how much cores Widelands is using?

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Joined: 2024-04-20, 23:43
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Posted at: Today 05:46

If you are using windows 7 up, the device manager can tell you how many cores a process is using but that function is hard to find and has different ways to get it with each different version of windows. For Windows 10, there is a seperate utility available from microsoft developer that lists how many cores a task is using.I can't remember its name at the moment.

The aussies are coming, ya ho! ya ho!

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: Today 08:01

Ron_of_Nord wrote:

If you are using windows 7 up, the device manager can tell you how many cores a process is using but that function is hard to find and has different ways to get it with each different version of windows. For Windows 10, there is a seperate utility available from microsoft developer that lists how many cores a task is using.I can't remember its name at the moment.

well I know that, I just wanted to know what method the initiator of this thread has used.

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Joined: Yesterday 17:39
Posts: 10
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: Today 16:30

Hi i am a native linux usr with mint21.3 on 64 amd ryzen 7 with 16core and 16gb. i have a icon for the system monitor in my taskbar and i see a large amount off CPU % use hop from one core to another exept when the messengerbox is open, then there is 1 core at 100% and it stays there. further i think to have read in a tread that multicore is NOT implemented by widelands at all. so the core hopping is what mint21 does. which thread i dont know, i looked for GPU and found about 10 links.

Meanwhile i discovered that the actual play time as given in the Panel is TO SLOW, it TAKES 2 to 3 seconds top count 1 second of play time but well, i have a map off 447x447 and 591 soldiers and the lot of buildings.

very off topic:

i do z80 on zx spectrum

a small example of my work

; BC holds keydata b holds newkey and c holds oldkey as KEY bits %000xxxxx

keydat1a          push bc            ;    11t save KEY DATA
IF calibrate   ; recalibrate 1 step at a time
keycal            inc hl             ;     6t start SYNC DELAY, direct overwritten
                  ld hl,(bigbel)     ;    16t ; hardcoded
                  bit 0,b            ;     8t key '1'
                  jr nz,kc_0         ; ]   7t
                  ret nz             ;     5t delay 
tkc_a equ 6+ 16+8+7 +5
                  bit 1,b            ;|    8t key '2'
                  jr nz,kc_1         ;|    7t
                  ret nz             ;|    5t
tkc_b equ 8+7+5
                  jr kc_d            ;|   12t
tkc_c equ 12
kc_0              bit 0,c            ; ]   8t
                  jr nz,kc_0c        ; ]}  7t
                  ret nz             ;  }  5t delay, not a ret
tkc_0a  equ 8+7+5
                  dec hl             ;  }  6t shorten BIGdelay
                  jr kc_0d           ;  } 12t =5+6+12=23
tkc_0b  equ 6+12
kc_1              bit 1,c            ;     8 key '2'
                  jr nz,kc_1c        ;|]   7
                  ret nz             ;  }  5t  delay, not a ret
tkc_1a  equ 8+7+5
                  inc hl             ;  }  6  lengthen BIGdelay
                  jr writenewcalc    ;  } 12 =5+6+12=23
tkc_1b  equ 6+12
kc_0c             inc bc             ; 6  delay
                  inc bc             ; 6  delay
tkc_0c equ 6+6
kc_d              inc bc             ; 6  delay
tkc_d equ 6
kc_0d             nop                ; 4  delay
                  nop                ; 4  delay
                  jr writenewcalc    ;12  delay
tkc_0d equ 4+4+12
kc_1c             inc bc             ; 6  delay
                  jr writenewcalc    ;12  delay
tkc_1c equ  6+12
writenewcalc      ld (bigbel),hl     ;|]} 16
twrcalc equ 16

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