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Topic: Limited game advancement


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Joined: 2009-04-16, 19:02
Posts: 12
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2009-04-16, 20:39

i dont know how to use the terminal that well, yet. can you help? lets just say i know nothing and start from there;)

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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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One Elder of Players
Location: Germany
Posted at: 2009-04-16, 20:50

okay I suggest you either use gnome or lxde or kde ;-), so:

  1. press ALT and F2 and window will pop up type "konsole" and enter of if that does not work type "xterm" enter one of those should open a terminal

  2. now that the terminal is open, you are in your homedirectory ( /home/yourname or similiar)

so relatively to that dir change to that directory where widelands lies in, so for example, if widelands is in /home/felio/Programs/widelands than simply type "cd Programs/widelands" and hit enter

another example: if the widelands dir is for example in /opt than type: "cd ../../opt/widelands" and hit enter

  1. okay now you are in widelands dir now you should simply type ./widelands and hit enter - either the game starts or an errormessage shows up

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Joined: 2009-04-16, 19:02
Posts: 12
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2009-04-16, 21:47

ok,tried, this is what I get, think I need to reinstall the whole thing: kasper@pega:~$ cd widelands13 kasper@pega:~/widelands13$ ./widelands ./widelands: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory kasper@pega:~/widelands13$ ./widelands13 bash: ./widelands13: No such file or directory kasper@pega:~/widelands13$ ./widelands ./widelands: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory kasper@pega:~/widelands13$

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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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One Elder of Players
Location: Germany
Posted at: 2009-04-16, 22:08

well if widelands throws that error, you actually haven't ever used build13 - a needed file is missing and widelands can't run without it.

I would suggest that you enter our IRC chat there are a lot of ubuntuusers - they can surely help you to fix this problem and get build13 running face-smile.png



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Topic Opener
Joined: 2009-04-16, 19:02
Posts: 12
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2009-04-16, 22:20

ok, thanks alot, face-smile.png

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