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Topic: Attack not possible


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Joined: 2011-06-12, 12:35
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Posted at: 2011-06-12, 14:36


I have the following problem: Though I do see the next attackable building of the enemy and although the attack dialogue opens, the number of soldiers available for attack is 0. No matter where at the border I build or enhance a military building, the situation does not change.

There are some special circumstances: The enemy to attack is in southeast direction (i.e. the direction where the flags of buildings are directed to), this means, that I cannot build military buildings directly at the border.

The enemy's building to attack is a castle (maximum operating distance).

The enemy has put a construction area of a guardhall directly at the border, so that a military building of my own will not extend my borders. (The enemy's construction area will never be a guardhall, because there is no link to the enemy's street network.)

There is no further possibility to attack the enemy (map: the ancient sun of fire).

Any suggestions? Or is this simply an extremely unfortunate combination of events?

(How can I include a .png or .jpg here in the forum to make the situation visible to you?)

Thank you, Peter

NB: Great work you're doing here!

Edited: 2011-06-13, 13:06

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Joined: 2009-02-28, 10:08
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Posted at: 2011-06-12, 14:59

I'd really need to see this. Would be best, Peter, if you could supply a save game (.wgf), so that we can load it and check. But a screenshot (F11) may also help. For both unfortunately you can only place a link here ("markdown" syntax; google for it if unknown) So you must have some place where you can upload the file(s) and then link to it here.

Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills.
I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).

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Posted at: 2011-06-12, 15:15

Thanks for the quick answer.

In advance, sorry for the following noob questions, but additional to I'm quite new to widelands I have really little idea of all this technical stuff - I just have fun playing widelands:

1) How do I extract .wgf files from my system? I just searched for them in the widelands folder without success. 2) Upload might be a problem. May it be possible to send it to some e-mail address?

Thanks, regards, Peter

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Joined: 2009-02-28, 10:08
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Posted at: 2011-06-12, 17:59

Hallo again, Peter...

Well, "having fun playing widelands" sounds good. That is what the WL developers had in mind! face-smile.png

The trouble is, that I have no idea what operating system you are using.
For the following I assume you are on Windows XP.
It's the only OS that I know about a little anyhow, for Linux clones, others must help you.
If you are on Vista or Win7, it may also get a bit complicated, and I am not sure.
Even on XP it is language dependent and I have no idea what language you use.
I think, the normal place to store the saved games on an english Windows XP is:
C:\documents and settings\[your user name on your system]\.widelands\save.
For my German XP that is:
"C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Astuur\.widelands\save"
In this subdirectory you should find some files with the extention ."wgf",
and they should have the names that you have given inside the game, when saving.
i.e. something like "before_attacking.wgf" maybe. You should see them -- they are not hidden.
These files contain a saved game each.

If you have no place to upload stuff, you can send me an Email to Astuur[at_sign] Replace the [at_sign]expression with the "@".
I don't usually use this address, but will check it for this purpose.

Even if you cannot manage to send a saved game or screenshot, there is one thing you may want to check:
Do you have any "free" soldiers that can attack?
Each military site must be guarded by at least 1 soldier all the time,
so if you are playing as Empire and have only barracks within reach, you can never attack.
Likewise if you have reduced the soldiers to the absolute minimum of 1 each, in all other
military buildings.

It may well be, that you ran into a problem with building, that wideland has.
It is a know bug, but it is not yet clear how to solve it, and it is especially bad
with the map you are playing. It is caused by the inability of soldiers to reach their targets.
Please read this:
This is where I was having a similar problem, on the same map, and learned about the causes.
It may help you,I hope.
Otherwise come back, and I shall see, what else I can do.

Edited: 2011-06-12, 18:02

Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills.
I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).

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Joined: 2011-06-12, 12:35
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Posted at: 2011-06-13, 13:05

Hi Astuur,

I've sent the file to your e-mail.

It is clear that I need to have free soldiers to attack and it is certainly the case in my game.

I read the posts in the topic you gave me the link to. I'm not sure if the discussed problem is similar or the same, since the links to the screenshot/savegame were not valid any more. I guess the discussion might be somewhat related, but I think it's not the identical problem.

Thank you for your efforts. Regards, Peter

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Posted at: 2011-06-15, 07:38

After a short discussion with Astuur via E-Mail, it seems to be clear that it is indeed not possible to attack and the game cannot be finished. Astuur was kind enough to provide some webspace for the saved game and a screenshot:

We agreed that it is not only an "extremely unfortunate combination of events", but that such a situation shall actually not happen, so that it can also be considered as a bug. Since I am not an advanced user and don't know bug reporting rules etc., I leave it to Astuur or anyone to officially report the bug.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2011-06-16, 10:14

Hi pm and welcome to the forum!

There is actually already a bug report about this and we are still not sure how to properly fix this. Fact is that players that are to the south-east of you can wall themselves in by using a few big buildings given there is a choke (like in the screenshot you provided). Unfortunately, there is not a lot you can do expect for cheating; you need to play a debug build for this though.

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Joined: 2011-08-24, 08:49
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Posted at: 2011-08-24, 08:56

hi folks,

are there any news about fixing this bug?

maybe a useful additional information - this may happen not only in south-eastern direction but also in the west (the white enemy). i can see there at lest 3 military buildings and none of them is attackable.

btw: i don`t want to blame anybody here - the game is really well done. keep up the good work!

greetz roy

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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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Posted at: 2011-08-24, 19:50

Hi Roy,

unfortunally nobody has yet worked on that bug - the discussion and collection of ides to fix this bug the most proper way seems to point at a solution, but ... nobody did care to implement it until now. Generally code development unfortunally slowed down for some month's. In the last few days there were only a few people working on code and those did not work on the area / military code - e.g. I am currently working on graphic and network improvements.

However sooner or later it will hopefully get fixed face-grin.png

Cheers Peter

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Joined: 2011-06-12, 20:24
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Posted at: 2011-08-24, 20:04

From what I can see, the bug report in question has not been linked to. I saw some candidates dealing with either unable to attack or mentioning "The acient sun of fire", but I'm not 100% which of them. Could someone please add a link so people can keep track of the progress, if any?


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