Topic: Translation to portuguese


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Joined: 2009-05-05, 16:47
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Posted at: 2009-05-05, 23:34

Since I'm Portuguese and I noticed that this language isn't in the game, I think I could translate the game.

The only problem is that I'm attending a master's degree and I'm not sure if I can do the job quickly.

However, if you want me to translate it (or, at least, part of it), I'll be happy to help in what I can.

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Posted at: 2009-05-06, 16:39

It would be great if you could. As you might have already noticed, there's a page on the wiki about translating (TranslatingWidelands). And you can be sure, that everybody will be happy, if Widelands gets translated at least a bit to another language. Ask here or on irc if you'll need any help. face-smile.png

Also, the page on the wiki is not really exact. And for translating, I'd suggest poedit - works great for me.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2009-05-08, 20:53

You also should contact Azagtoth, he's the responsible guy.

Cheers, !SirVer

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