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Posted at: 2011-09-23, 17:14
This thread continues the discussion of PlayerColor started in forum topic 866.
Edited the link to point to the first posting in the topic.
Edited: 2011-09-23, 17:54
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Posted at: 2011-09-23, 17:18
I repost my last comments on PC from forum topic 866:
Astuur wrote:
My request would be to selectively change the blue, but not to something darker, but rather a lighter and less saturated variant. If it was darkend, it would be even harder to distinquish from black. I only want the blue to be less aggressive.
So what do you say: Could you recommend such a change from your point of view?
First let me state that ... I am willing to entertain lightening the blue PlayerColor throughout the game.
I AM NOT A CODER and this would have to be verified by someone qualified, but a search of the source yielded the following information which I present in a more graphic form to illustrate the actual colors:

It would SEEM the shade listed last for each color is what is used for the first 1-8 player numbers, (i.e. player #1 is assigned a PlayerColor RGB number of 2,2,198; player #2 - 255,41,0; etc.), player #9 would then be assigned the second last shade of blue (2,2,149), player #10 the second last shade of red (209,34,0), etc. up to the current maximum of 12 players, but I do not know for certain why each color is presented in 4 varieties.
Running with this assumption, however, I might propose the following values, subject to seeing their impact in the game of course:

Other possibilities are certainly worthy of consideration.
I will try my hand at using these in my test bed and report my results.
Meanwhile, if someone who actually KNOWS the code can offer either a confirmation of my theory or an explanation of what is happening internally, I would be most grateful.
Edited: 2011-09-23, 17:52
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Posted at: 2011-09-23, 17:34
Thank you very much, Chuck!
You are definitely right about "off topic" (and also about "marked propensity" :D)
I should have opened the new thread myself ...
Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills. I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).
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Posted at: 2011-09-23, 17:43
Astuur wrote:
Thank you very much, Chuck!
You are definitely right about "off topic" (and also about "marked propensity" )
I should have opened the new thread myself ...
Yes, I agree with you yet again...
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Posted at: 2011-09-23, 18:16
Chuck, don't you think that the variations of "blue" that you discovered might simply be
the different shades used in the game?
I don't think WL really supports 4 times 8 players.
The Player Color is not one color, but gets modified. You can best see this with the flags.
Edited: 2011-09-23, 19:36
Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills. I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).
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Posted at: 2011-09-23, 18:23
The player color system as it stands now is pretty young, in the past, player colors were 4 predefined colors - so you only had four shades of Player colors. This system is weeded out in all graphics (I think) and it should not be used in the code anymore (I thought). It surprises me that the player colors are still defined in the source code....
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Posted at: 2011-09-23, 19:14
I have tried 4 shades of blue that would stick to the "hue" (within the HSL-System) and then retranslated them into RGB.
So this would be my suggestion for a modified Player color blue in 4 shades, if this system should still be relvant.

Sorry, could not find such a slender font like the one Chuck uses - what is it?
Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills. I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).
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Posted at: 2011-09-23, 19:22
SirVer wrote:
The player color system as it stands now is pretty young, in the past, player colors were 4 predefined colors - so you only had four shades of Player colors. This system is weeded out in all graphics (I think) and it should not be used in the code anymore (I thought). It surprises me that the player colors are still defined in the source code....
Thanks for your input, SirVer. I am not in the least surprised to learn that I am WAY OFF with my interpretation of program code. I warned you! I know that none of the conf files use the old PlayerColor algorithms, but I have no idea where PlayerColor is now determined or defined if not in the code I quoted.
Where should I look, or better yet, how should we graphicians go about specifying in a bug report what we want from this color modification to what is code-bound functionality? Should we stipulate the RGB, or HTML notation, or what?
Do we specify multiple shades or only one base color? Inquiring minds wish to know? And I would like to understand as well as possible the origin and dynamics of PlayerColor in the game engine.
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Posted at: 2011-09-23, 19:38
Astuur wrote:
Sorry, could not find such a slender font like the one Chuck uses - what is it?
"Sans" on my Windows Vista system, 12px via the GIMP
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Posted at: 2011-09-23, 21:54
I have inserted the four sets of RGB that Astuur suggested into the source code file and successfully compiled and run the game! (But don't you dare think I'm trying to be a coder!)
Here are the results taken directly from the game with no post-processing:
original blue PC: 
Astuur's blue PC: 
The code in question evidently does have an impact on the blue PlayerColor, but I still don't know for certain why there are 4 sets of RGB values. I took a sampling from the same spot off the awning and got shades that differed from the values in the code.
At least now we know what can be tweaked to change the hues and how to ask for any changes we may desire.
Edited: 2011-09-23, 21:55
I see little people.