Topic: Translation to french


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Joined: 2009-05-11, 19:00
Posts: 7
Pry about Widelands
Location: France
Posted at: 2009-05-11, 19:59

Hi ! I french and I love this game. However I noticed that the French translation is not very advanced. All the game is in english for me same after modification of the language in the "option" menu. So I can translate in French the game.

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2009-05-11, 19:00
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Pry about Widelands
Location: France
Posted at: 2009-05-12, 19:29

I install the game on vista and now the language is french. But it's not a very good french : only a tranlation word by word from english (google ??). I think that I can improve all that but I don't know how.

I can also help for a website in french, I know xHTML 1.0 Strict, CSS, php and mysql.

PS : Sorry for my english, I understand but I don't write so well.

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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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Location: Germany
Posted at: 2009-05-12, 19:51

Hi Anicet, face-smile.png

nice to hear you want to improve the french translation ! face-smile.png

you can get the translation files from here

most important are actually the widelands.po file and the po files under "tribes"

I suggest using poedit for translation, but there are some other nice tools around as well...

Feel free to ask if you have any questions! face-smile.png

Cheers Peter

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Joined: 2009-05-11, 19:00
Posts: 7
Pry about Widelands
Location: France
Posted at: 2009-05-12, 20:00

Ok. How can I see the result on the game ? It's possible ?

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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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Location: Germany
Posted at: 2009-05-12, 20:37

Yes I think poedit is able to generate *.mo files out of the po files. If you replace the ones under <widelandsdir>/locale/fr_FR you will be able to use your updated version.

By the way: as you saied you are running it under windows, the locales mirror the current development state and so it would be the best if you test it with that version as well. You can get such builds from

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