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Topic: Barbarian Helmsmithy Remodel

Joined: 2009-02-28, 10:08
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Location: Frankfurt / Germany
Posted at: 2011-09-26, 07:56

Yes, this roof is a lot better and looks like it might survive a rainstorm.
I have looked at this model in the different worlds and I like the look - though I am still not 100% convinced that the predominantly dark bark will not give a too sombre impression when used everywhere. Maybe just tick lighter color? Or else increase the size of the peeled parts?
The helmsmith will certainly welcome the new sledge hammer face-smile.png

Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills.
I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).

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Posted at: 2011-09-26, 22:52

Astuur wrote: I have looked at this model in the different worlds and I like the look - though I am still not 100% convinced that the predominantly dark bark will not give a too sombre impression when used everywhere. Maybe just tick lighter color? Or else increase the size of the peeled parts?

Here is the previous image with the dark bark:
dark compare it to: lighter which has Astuur's suggestions. I like the thicker uprights. I kept the supports for the shed roof at their original size. I lengthened the the ends of the roof joists and added playercolor as a test. I think it is a bit too much when the helmets are also displayed. I'm contemplating removing the protruding ends of the joists except at the ends of the roofs. Then it may be just the thing to display playercolor on. What do you think?

Like so many other instances, we do not have the original idle animation. face-sad.png So here is an opportunity for the smithy to do something different in his idle hours. Do we still want him reading a "barbarian newspaper" or doing something else like resting in a rocking chair or snoozing in a hammock? Any suggestions, anyone? face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2011-09-27, 07:06

Here is the helmsmithy as it now stands:
build03: b3 unoccupied: u
idle: i working: w

I will push these up the trunk with just one frame of idle animation for now so you can try it out in the game.

I see little people.

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Posted at: 2011-09-27, 07:18

The new helmsmithy has been pushed to trunk in rev #5993.

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Posted at: 2011-09-27, 07:42

Don't want to bother with Launchpad? face-smile.png

Here is a set of frames you can try out with PlayerColor:
w wpc

Use a hot spot of 65 86 in the conf file.

Edit - adjusted hot spot face-wink.png

Comments are always welcome.

Edited: 2011-09-27, 07:45

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Joined: 2009-02-28, 10:08
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Posted at: 2011-09-27, 08:04

chuckw wrote:

Here is the previous image with the dark bark: compare it to: which has Astuur's suggestions. I like the thicker uprights.

Yes - I like them, too! And the bark color seems better, too.

I kept the supports for the shed roof at their original size. I lengthened the the ends of the roof joists and added playercolor as a test. I think it is a bit too much when the helmets are also displayed.

for my taste it is both - a bit too much for the player color and also a bit too much protruding face-smile.png

I'm contemplating removing the protruding ends of the joists except at the ends of the roofs. Then it may be just the thing to display playercolor on. What do you think?

I wouldn't remove them, but model them at about the same size they had before the roof bolstering. You could still color the the pairs at the ends of the roof only (including the visible front faces)

Like so many other instances, we do not have the original idle animation. So here is an opportunity for the smithy to do something different in his idle hours. Do we still want him reading a "barbarian newspaper" or doing something else like resting in a rocking chair or snoozing in a hammock? Any suggestions, anyone?

You're right. The newspaper is a nice idea and it made me smile when I first saw it, but if you really come to think of it, it just doesn't fit. additional ideas:

  • smoking a pipe (in the rocking chair) -- okay.. not politically correct for an US artist face-smile.png
  • sleeping and snoring the hammock (need some sound for this)
  • eating something
  • playing with a pet (dog or cat)

there are some other points that are better shown here

Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills.
I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).

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Joined: 2010-03-15, 16:23
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Posted at: 2011-09-27, 13:55

Astuur wrote: You're right. The newspaper is a nice idea and it made me smile when I first saw it, but if you really come to think of it, it just doesn't fit. additional ideas:

smoking a pipe (in the rocking chair) -- okay.. not politically correct for an US artist sleeping and snoring the hammock (need some sound for this) eating something playing with a pet (dog or cat)

Thanks for the ideas.

there are some other points that are better shown here

See here for my response. face-smile.png

I see little people.

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Posted at: 2011-09-27, 17:58

I have modified the forge area of the helmsmithy with some of the suggested changes.

  • removed the back wall of the shed
  • redesigned the forge
  • I even tweaked the anvil. (I'd never seen one like the original before.) face-smile.png
  • blacked out the open doorways for better contrast

They have been pushed to the trunk in rev #5994.

Here are samples of the change: w wpc
Use the same hot spot - 65 86

This will be left as is for the time being and we'll visit it again for the idle animation after the rest of the buildings have been modeled. face-smile.png

Thanks for all of the ideas! Keep 'em coming!

I see little people.

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Joined: 2009-02-28, 10:08
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Location: Frankfurt / Germany
Posted at: 2011-09-27, 19:22

Nice workshop face-smile.png

Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills.
I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).

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Joined: 2009-03-15, 22:14
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Pry about Widelands
Location: germany
Posted at: 2011-09-27, 21:37

maybe i'm a bit late, i like the new models, but imho they're looking too brand-new... The Buildings are standing for quite a long time outside in the weather... just my 2¢

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